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MNC Covid Policy (5/23/22)

With Covid continuing to impact our community both socially and athletically, we have updated our guidance and processes when it comes to MNC skiers experiencing symptoms and testing positive.

You are an MNC athlete and you just tested positive for Covid, now what?

1. Send an email to to inform club leadership of positive case.

2. Stay home, rest, do not exercise, help yourself recover as quickly and completely as possible.

3. Talk with your pediatrician.  You will need to find out if your case requires an in person visit for clearance before returning to practice (this will depend on how sick you are and how long your symptoms last).

4. Return to practice when at least 5 days have passed since you tested positive (the day you test positive is day 0) and you have no remaining symptoms (no congestion, no cough, no headaches, your energy feels good), and your pediatrician has said you can return without a full exam.

If you require a exam or EKG this must be done and a letter from your doctor will need to be submitted.

5. You will be expected to wear a mask (even while exercising if you are doing so within the group) until you are past day 10 from the start of your symptoms. Individuals who have had Covid are still able to spread virus after day 5, even once they are starting to feel better: this is CDC guidance that states if you are leaving quarantine after day 5 you should be masked.

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