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Uphill Run Challenge “Results”

Thanks to the participants in the first-ever MNC Quarantine Uphill Challenge! Here are some fun stats:

Total mileage: 95.41

Total elevation: 26,743′ (3,000′ shy of Mt. Everest)

# of States: 7 (VT, NH, MA, NY, ME, NJ, Ontario)

Clubs: MNC, Dublin XC, Peru Nordic, Central Maine Ski Club, ENRG, BFA Fairfax

Most elevation: Silas Brown, MNC (2,803′)

Most feet-per-mile: Theodore Mollano, Dublin XC (2,833′)

Longest run: Andy Grab, MNC (from the town of Bristol all the way to the top of App Gap!)

Shortest run: Theodore Mollano, Dublin XC (creatively using a steep sand-pit to also garner that top ft-per-mile award!)

Link to participants, clubs, locations, and states represented!


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