We are changing it up this week with a slower workout. But not necessarily a less-difficult workout! The challenge of an “overdistance” workout is the duration. By going at a manageable pace but challenging the length, you’re teaching your body different mechanisms from short intensity. You are building your base to better handle hard efforts and easy efforts alike!
Coach Alex Jospe recently put together this video for NENSA’s Regional Elite Group. It can get pretty scientific but there’s a lot to be said for knowing what’s happening out there on the road or trail:THe
The challenge to MNC Masters this week is to get out and shoot for a workout of at least 120 minutes! This can be skiing, running, biking, paddling, or a combination! This weekend the Juniors did a combination of 1+ hour rollerskiing and 1+ hour trail running. These two compliment each other well, because they both require a bit of dexterity.
Combining modes may defeat one purpose of the overdistance workout (repetition) but it enhances the ability to go for a bit longer because you change the scenery and the sensations. Also, combo-sessions are a great way to get out there for a longer duration WITH good technique and form because you don’t spend quite long enough in either mode of training to lose consistency, strength, and technique! Plus, the logistics can be fun to work out and plan for!

Very long distance trail running!
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