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A Week in 4 Videos

I’ve been more excited about MNC this summer than ever before. This has happened for each of the past 4 summers in a row, so it’s not a surprise, but it’s a good reminder of how lucky I am to do what I do. This past winter, it felt like the momentum that had been building a a few years finally snowballed into a fully-formed avalanche of collective drive, teamwork, passion, and speed.

I don’t think that went unnoticed, and we’ve been fortunate to welcome new skiers to the group who have jumped right aboard the Pug Train and kept that momentum barreling ahead.

This week, for whatever reason, I ended up taking more video clips than usual. Some for technique, some for fun. There’s short “edits” put together from Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday which might be a Youtube record for us…so, in lieu of more words for everyone to read on a hot summer day (and because analytics tell us that video clips are always the most clicked-on components of the website and Eblast!), here are some videos…so turn out the lights, crank up the air conditioning, and enjoy a sample of our training week in moving pictures!

Tuesday: Skate Intervals and strength at the gym

Wednesday: 2 hour trail run. Sorry, no footage!

Thursday: Double pole drills and speeds followed by strength at the gym. POURING RAIN

Friday: Easy run or bike, on-your-own so no footage!

Saturday: L3 classic intervals at Road 101 near the base of Smuggs. One of our all-time favorite workouts and what amazing weather for it

Sunday: 2 hour run on dirt roads and trails, followed by a trip to a refreshing swimming hole. 97 degrees!



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