Well just like school and work and busy meetings, this years Thanksgiving Camp also went virtual. Our crew still did some travelling though, as our non-ski daily activity involved creating some culinary dishes from around the world. These were coordinated with theme days and workouts based on various ski nations…for example big long distance
skiing and potatoes on Russia day, or a hard timetrial and fish on Norway day. Here is the original post with the details.
I can’t believe how much buy-in there was to this concept, especially the training concept! I expected some great food photos/videos and I expected some consistency with training logs, but WOW. Every day ended with lots of skiers having independently gotten out there and done training that was posted. Some huge hours were achieved, especially considering the two bummer factors: no snow and no camp.
On timetrial day, we had about 8 different timetrials happening in 6-7 different locations. Some of the gang paired-up within VT guidelines but that was about it…so instead of a big “real race” this team stuck it out and put together their own race efforts. I drove around to a couple and filmed from my car, and parents sent in videos as well. Here are just a few clips from timetrials in Craftsbury, Georgia, Cambridge, Shelburne, Burlington, and Jericho:
Nothing gives me more hope for the future than looking at what these skiers accomplished this week! And now, without further ado, a gallery of all the delicious food submitted, with a special collection of links below to some hilarious and creative videos that Anders submitted every day!
Anders’ video submissions by theme:
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