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Legacy of a Pug

We were very saddened to learn of the passing of Tyke the Pug on Thursday. This was a small dog with a big heart and for anyone who has seen or worn our popular “Pugtagonia” hats, followed MNC on social media, or heard us cheer as a group at the beginning or end of races and events, you know that the Pug is our mascot.


Why? Back in 2015 the team entered a new phase and ways were sought to bring connectivity and group spirit to this crew. A pug by the name of Tyke, a member of the Burt family, was often present at training sessions heading out for a walk after Greg, and later Aidan, were dropped-off to ski or run. Although he is not in the online records, Tyke may have summitted the Bolton hillclimb course more times than any other MNC member.

As a mascot for a bunch of teenagers, this pug had a lot going for him: Tyke was friendly, quirky, and as far as mascots go very politically correct.

Pugs are not known for their athleticism, but I hope that through our club’s successes we may have slightly altered that perception. Maybe it’s fitting that our club mission is to support skiing for “all ages and abilities” because a pug does not strike a commanding vision of agility, grace, or speed. Yet with hard work you can achieve anything, whether you walk on two legs or four.

Pugs don’t have any particular connection to skiing in general, but by now plenty of skiers know who “The Pugs” are. Coaches from Maine don’t ask me how the team is doing, they ask how “the Pugs” are doing. Skiers and parents from Massachusetts and New Hampshire shout “go Pugs!” in addition to just “go MNC!” when they see our suits in competition. Our name and presence even spread to Sweden and the head of Swedish World Cup skier Jens Burman:

Tyke’s passing brought out a lot of emotion. As the word spread I received texts and messages from athletes and parents alike. I do not jest, I immediately texted my mom upon hearing the news.

This pug was certainly special. We will continue to be the Pugs, as if that was ever in question. As we continue to push forward as a club we should all keep in mind how simple things like furry pug mascots, iconic pug hats, and team pug cheers can all add up to more than the sum of their cute, chubby, wrinkly parts.

Rest in peace, Tyke.

Go Pugs.

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