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Masters Rollerski Racing

Rollerski race update! There are two options for Masters interested in rollerski racing, both skate, coming up soon.

The infamous Southridge Timetrial is slated for Saturday, September 17th. This race features a 9AM arrival and a 9:45 start time (to give folks time to preview the course). This is a great option for minimal scary downhills, and the 6km course involves lots of gradual climbs and flat terrain.

Southridge TT parking information: 118 Southridge Road, Williston VT 05495…please park carefully in the small grass lot across from the address listed, OR (even better) park at Allen Brook School or Williston Central School and ski over the the start!

For those with rollerski loop experience (or those looking to gain some) the NENSA FreeFall rollerski race is being held at the Range the following day, on Sunday, September 18th. There is a 6km Masters option for this race, featuring three laps of Sprint and Pit Loops. Some fast and twisting downhills for sure, but less intimidating than the 5km and 15km options that day.

If you are interested in volunteering for the FreeFall race, check out this volunteer info form!

The Southridge timetrial from the pre-COVID era


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