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Juniors: Tuesday @ Trapp’s, Thursday @ Range


Tuesday: athletes racing at the J2 championships this coming weekend should either come to Trapp’s for a low-key citizen’s race (Rick Costanza will be here with a group of MNC BKL’ers). Athletes not racing at J2’s should either come ski at Trapp’s (low-intensity) or do a workout on your own.

  • Citizen’s 5km race at Trapp’s with Rick Costanza. Options for BKL and Juniors to ski in a low-key race on the Junior National trails! Conditions are absolutely amazing. $5 to ski. Details on NENSA.

Thursday: Juniors will join Rick Costanza and BKL for training at the Range. Skate skiing at 3:30pm at the Range. Athletes attending Eastern High School Championships will do a high-intensity interval workout with Rick. The skiing is phenomenal in Vermont and we are lucky to have such a nice end to the season.

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