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Masters Training Nov 15 thru 24

Dee PT

Sun. 11/15 Williston TT #2 (map) This week we will be back in Williston for the second round of the time trial.  As the last time, Coach Rick has the following planned: 30 min warmup/5km time trial/20 min easy ski to cool down.   Plan is to meet 9:30 at Kort’s house.

Tues. 11/17  Dee PT Strength (map)  – Join Coach Dennis this Tuesday at 6-7PM for strength training session at Dee PT in South Burlington.  If you haven’t signed up yet or want to find out more click here.

Thurs. 11/19 Dry Land Training (map– Join Coach Rick for the first week of dry land training.   This week we will meet from 5:30 – 7:00PM and will shift the training location to the Ethan Allen Range in Jericho where we will have access to lights and additional equipment.  If you haven’t signed up yet or want to find out more click here.

Sun. 11/22 Georgia Roller Ski (map) The Masters group plans to do a long  roller ski (2-3 hrs) with some intervals mixed in.  The plan is to meet at Georgia Town Park at 9:30.

Tues. 11/24 Dee PT Strength (map)  – Based upon interest, Coach Dennis is willing to hold final sessions this week, so please let him know if you are interested.


MNC Annual Meeting – A Huge Success!


Thanks to all of our volunteers who helped organize our first MNC Annual meeting. Events lead off with a Hash run, followed by a potluck dinner and presentations. A big thanks also goes out to Coach Adam for his motivational speech on Our Nordic Heroes and Pavel Celik for his fantastic talk on his Icelandic Climate Run!

To view our Board and Winter Program Presentation click here.

To view more photos of the day click on the photo below.

MNC Annual Meeting

Masters Training 11/8 thru 11/12

Sun. 11/8 Georgia Roller Ski (map) This week the Masters group plans to do a long easy roller ski in Georgia. The plan is to meet at Georgia Town Park at 9:30.

Tues. 11/10  Dee PT Strength (map)  – Join Coach Dennis this Tuesday at 6-7PM for strength training session at Dee PT in South Burlington.  If you haven’t signed up yet or want to find out more click here.

Thurs. 11/12 Dry Land Training (map– Join Coach Rick for the first week of dry land training.   This week we will meet from 5:30 – 7:00PM and will shift the training location to the Ethan Allen Range in Jericho where we will have access to lights and additional equipment.  If you haven’t signed up yet or want to find out more click here.

MNC Athletes at VT XC States

Hat’s off to may of our MNC athletes who posted some impressive results at this weekend’s XC State Meets!

Camille Bolduc, Quincy Massey-Bierman, Magda Lelito, Sammie Nolan
Gavin Schaaf &  Charlie Martell
Baxter Bishop, Elliot Eastman, Jared Leonard, Conor Munns, Tim Cobb
Marika Massey-Bierman, Eliza Thomas, Olivia Cuneo, Kira Nolan

Introducing Friday Foxes!

This season, we are excited to announce that the former Mt. Mansfield BKL group will merge into MNC, broadening the BKL offerings of the club and simplifying the Nordic options in our area.

As a result, a “Friday Foxes” program, which will primarily take place at Underhill Central School, will be added to our program menu in addition to the current Penguin, Jackrabbit and BK Race groups offered on by MNC on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Range.

The Friday Fox program is an introductory program for elementary- and middle school-aged skiers looking to learn the sport, have fun in an amazing setting and engage in the fundamentals of skiing. Many of the same leaders and volunteers that have been a part of the long-standing Friday tradition in Underhill will continue to be a part of the Friday Foxes group.

As a part of MNC, the Friday Foxes program registration will run through Mansfield Nordic’s online, PayPal-enabled sign-up system. All Friday Foxes participants will pay the same price as previous years for this program and will benefit from being part of the larger MNC club infrastructure.

Additional program details:

We are going to be skiing at Underhill Central School Fridays from 3:30-4:45 (later as the days grow longer).  As you know, our long time hosts, Donna and Bob Hamill, are moving toward retirement and as such need to reduce their commitments.  Our Friday ski program required a great deal of Donna’s time.  We wish Bob and Donna lots of fun with their kids and grand children!!

Below are a few important points to be aware of:

  • We will ski primarily on UCS property and some immediately adjoining land
  • We hope to offer a couple of “off-site” days that will include sites like The Range, Mills River Side Park and Casey’s Hill
  • We will NOT be renting equipment this year.  The Hammil Training Center Committee will be selling the current stock of rental skis Oct 26 3:00-5:00 and Oct 30 4:00-5:00 if stock remains.  You may also seek-out rentals through NENSA or The Alpine Shop.   Check for used equipment on our ‘Gear Swap’ page (tab on top of home page) at  . You can purchase at The Ski Rack, The Alpine Shop or at ski swaps.  
  • Roy Dunphey will be coordinating Friday volunteers.  He will e-mail all of you at a later date. Volunteers will be needed for:
    • Leading children to their appropriate ski “groups”
    • Helping kids, especially our youngest skiers, if they need to get inside to warm-up
    • Hot Cocoa preparation and clean-up
    • Management of the indoor space at UCS.  The room location is TBD, but we will have access to a warm classroom to use in the fashion that we used the Hammil’s back porch.
    • Clean-up of that room at the end of skiing
    • Tidying of boy’s and girl’s bathrooms
  • This is going to be a GREAT year, but we cannot succeed without volunteers – please help out!!
  •  Sign up will be online through the  MNC website and will very closely resemble the program we have run at the Hamill’s for many years.


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