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Author Archive | Kort Longenbach

Range Access Update

We know many of you have heard about discussions relative to ongoing usage of the Range facilities and have expressed some concern over our ability to secure long term access.  To that end, we wanted to let our members know that we presently are in active discussions with the National Guard and are confident that we will be able to maintain access for our club. Recently our access was approved through year end and we are in the process of finalizing 2020 with a November application.

It should also be noted that the assessment of Civilian Use by the NG leadership is something that happens periodically.   Presently we are in a cycle where they are taking a close look at the processes and controls needed to ensure the safety of all parties.  Over the past season there have been several incidents, not related to our members that have brought these concerns to the forefront.

Throughout the discussions,  it is clear the NG does want to support our continued use. But to do so they are looking for our help to improve the monitoring and control of civilian access.  There are several proposals on the table including controlled access lists, ID cards and paid leases.  Details have yet to be finalized, but in the mean time please anticipate that there may be some changes in the upcoming season.

As always,  if you are at the Range please remember to obey the speed limits, expect to show you ID upon entrance and limit your access to open ski trails.

MNC Trivia Night Oct 25 …need YOUR HELP

The First-Ever MNC Trivia Night and Dinner on Friday, October 25th

Join the club at the Cochrans lodge for a night of good food and fun trivia! With categories and questions for all ages and topics (not just skiing!) this is something to invite ALL of your friends and family to. Teams of 6 will go head-to-head with trivia knowledge to score some cool prizes and bragging rights for a good cause…the MNC Van!

Register a team with the form below, and join us on Friday, October 25th…dinner at 6:00, trivia at 7:30!

Trivia Night Signup

What is the event?

The event is a dinner and goofy trivia night, with themes and questions designed for all ages and categories…not just skiing!

Where/When is the event?

The event is at the Cochran Ski Lodge, 910 Cochran Road, Richmond, VT. Dinner begins at 6pm, with trivia beginning at 7:30. MNC members will provide potluck appetizers and deserts, and the club will be grilling burgers and hot dogs.

The club will also be providing non-alcoholic drinks. The event is BYOB for alcoholic beverages, but there will be a keg of local beer available for a $4 donation to our van.

How can I participate?

We are asking MNC members to be a captain and form their own teams of six people that would be part of your goofy trivia team.  Ideally, each team of six would have some non-MNC members (eg. friends, family, etc.).  Each team member pays to participate.  Adults pay $20.00, children pay $10.00.  As the team captain, you collect money from your team and then register your team through the MNC website.  As a captain, you are also asked to come up with a theme for your team and represent that theme.  Prizes will be awarded to the team or teams with the best theme.  Prizes will also be awarded to the top trivia teams.

How should I market this event to my friends and family?

Ask your friends and family if they would be interested in participating in a fund raiser where they get dinner, music, and play goofy trivia as a team.  The goofy trivia is a team activity; it is not individual.  During goofy trivia, teams have time to discuss what they think is the correct answer and provide one answer that represents the entire team.  It should be a night of good food and good laughs.

How soon should I get my team registered?

We are asking all teams are registered by October 20th.

A signup form can be found HERE

See you at Cochrans!



Masters Assault on Boltron and Georgia

Evidently Coach Liam has trained his Masters well.  Even after his departure the Masters have kept the momentum going by getting together for both formal and infromal sessions.  With numerous meet ups during the week, the weekend capped off with a Bolton access rode roller ski climb and hike.   A large group of MNC and NWVT athletes joined together for what is now becoming a regular training event.

The Bolton Assault Crew

Not sure what the shark tooth is about, but sure Tristen earned it.

On Sunday another group of Masters headed to Georgia for a dual event.   A morning skate roll of the favorite Georgia Shore loop followed by a gravel ride cool down.  Mike Drop started early with a massive roll, but hopped in on the ride portion to round out his day.


Part 1 Georgia Roll Crew. Nice to see Leigh out there!


Part 2 Gravel Roll. Mike Drop sub’in in for Leigh.

In many seasons of Masters I can definitely say this is the biggest head start on the season yet by this crew.  But don’t hesitate to drop. Sign up to in follow us on Slack now at  #rollerski_training or #mnc_women_on_the_move to join in on the next great adventure.

Masters everywhere!

Name the location or activity and MNC masters were out in force this past week.   With Thursday roller ski sessions in Williston and Richmond our athletes have been getting great video technique and training in advance of the coming season.

While climbing mountains by foot might be the original way to do it, that doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways. There happens to be some beautiful pavement on Wes White hill just outside of Richmond…of course that means you need to rollerski up it! Here is a photo and some cool bike-side footage captured by Liam.

Now that looks like some freshly-groomed pavement right there!

Over the weekend, many of our Masters formed their own groups for a variety of fun and challenging activities.

The self guided and motivated Women on Wheels (#wow) took to the roads in North Ferrisburgh for a sweet roll.   Even with a misplaced poll plant and some reported road rash, these ladies were undeterred.   I am sure Coach Andy is quite proud of how this group has progressed.

Also, on Saturday a small but intrepid crew took to the Hills again engaging in what Coach Liam likes to call Type 2 fun (aka #onyx workouts).  Starting early, the group departed from the Round Church from Richmond for a ride to the Monroe Trail head.  After a quick gear change, the group then hiked up to the top of Camel’s Hump for a snack and a well deserved down hill hike and bike back to the Richmond.   The group was rewarded with a stop at Stone Corral afterwards.

Not to be out done, another MNC crew assaulted the Bolton access road in the heat of the day.   With new pavement on the road and an iron will, Steve and Mike G. triumphantly skate rolled the 4 mile climb as they prep themselves for the Climb to the Castle.

With still plenty of weekend left, the Sunday Cycling Group (#sunday-cycling) had a wonderful gravel ride tour of Shelburne / Charlotte (route courtesy of Chris Trapini). From mountain to lake views and connector trail that goes through a tunnel under Rt. 7, this route was a definite crowd pleaser.

If any of this looks like fun, fell free jump in by watching our training doc or signing-up for the new Mansfield Nordic Slack app to find out what is going on this week.

MNC Masters WOW!

It is not only the Juniors out an about the hills and roads of Vermont.  Buoyed with recently learned roller ski skills MNC’s own Women On Wheels took matters in their own hands and were burning up the roads of North Ferrisburg this past weekend.

Sunday, many other Masters toured the gravels roads of Hinesburg and Charlotte, the group split into two groups one looping back after 20 miles, the other tackling the climb on Momkton reduce before heading back.

There is still plenty if time to join in. So check out our summer summer training doc and sign up for Slack to get last minute notices.



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