We know many of you have heard about discussions relative to ongoing usage of the Range facilities and have expressed some concern over our ability to secure long term access. To that end, we wanted to let our members know that we presently are in active discussions with the National Guard and are confident that we will be able to maintain access for our club. Recently our access was approved through year end and we are in the process of finalizing 2020 with a November application.
It should also be noted that the assessment of Civilian Use by the NG leadership is something that happens periodically. Presently we are in a cycle where they are taking a close look at the processes and controls needed to ensure the safety of all parties. Over the past season there have been several incidents, not related to our members that have brought these concerns to the forefront.
Throughout the discussions, it is clear the NG does want to support our continued use. But to do so they are looking for our help to improve the monitoring and control of civilian access. There are several proposals on the table including controlled access lists, ID cards and paid leases. Details have yet to be finalized, but in the mean time please anticipate that there may be some changes in the upcoming season.
As always, if you are at the Range please remember to obey the speed limits, expect to show you ID upon entrance and limit your access to open ski trails.