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Author Archive | Liz Hollenbach

BKL End of Season Fun – Olympics and Awards Day

We celebrated the end of the ski season with two really fun days at practice.

MNC BKL Olympics Day was Thursday, March 6th. The warm weather and deep snow on the Tomasi trails made for a fun day with some tricky conditions for the Olympic Events.

Teams included a couple skiers from each of our groups (JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes and Racers). Countries represented this year included Austria, Finland, France, Germany Italy, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.

Team Sweden and Team Norway


Teams competed in Dual Slalom, Ski Volleyball, Cone Shuttle Relay and Tennis Ball Biathlon.

Ski Volleyball was a new event this year and it’s fun, but tricky.

The Dual Slalom is always one of the favorite BKL Olympics events!

With very warm temps in the forecast the End of Season Celebration and Awards Day was moved up a couple days to Tuesday, March 11th. Skiers arrived at Tomasi to find t-shirt skiing weather and quickly shed gloves and hats as groups took off for some skiing and games ahead of awards.

The Penguins group with Coaches Nancy and Isabel and Scott.

At the end of practice coaches and skiers gathered in small groups to hand out paper plate awards, our new BKL sticker and gingerbread edible medals. It was a fun atmosphere with skiers, parents and coaches all celebrating together.

Thanks to all the BKL Coaches for making great paper plate awards for all the skiers!

Congratulations to our 8th Graders that have graduated from BKL – Adrianna Bibeau, Greta Carroll, Logan Cichanowski, Emma Connell, Linnea Daily, Fiona Repp and Ansel Sprague. We also had a couple 8th graders that were old enough to practice with the MNC Juniors this winter and joined us at the end of the season to participate at the New England BKL Festival – Sylas Weaver and Liam Vile.

We celebrated the end of the season with edible medals and new stickers!

A huge thanks Catherine McIntyre for designing our cool BKL sticker and Sarah and Greta Carroll (Better Baked Vermont) for making gingerbread edible medals for everyone.

We love edible medals. Thanks to Sarah and Greta Carroll for making one for each skier!!

BKL Fest Event Report – Wicked Winter Weather!

Flying Point Road Photos | MNC Team Photos | Results

The BKL Fest is the Best! Last Friday BKL skiers from all over New England and New York descended on Waterville, Maine for the most fun Nordic ski weekend of the year. MNC had 17 skiers ranging from first to eighth grade. The races included a skate relay on Saturday and a classic individual race on Sunday. There were also an array of Nordic Adventure activities including laser biathlon, snow painting, sit ski scramble, radar run and agility course.  We had fun with our Northwest Vermont District ski friends (Sleepy Hollow, Frost and Mad River) along with ski friends from around the region.

A huge thank you to all the parents and coaches that make it a successful event.


BKL Info March 11 – Last Day and Celebration

This Tuesday is our End of Season Celebration and Awards Day and the last day of practice for the season. We’ll do a little skiing and game with our groups, then coaches will hand out awards to each of their skiers.

If you rented equipment from MNC this season and your child is done skiing for the season you can return equipment at practice this Tuesday. There will be a spot in the Tomasi parking lot to return equipment. If you want to keep equipment for a few more weeks that’s ok too. More info here on season lease ski equipment and race suit rental return.

Tuesday 3/11: Penguins, JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes, Racers and Devos
Location: Tomasi
Details: Skate for JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes, Racers and Devos. Classic for Penguins.

We’ll do awards in small group celebrations and each coach will hand out a paper plate award, gingerbread edible medal and a special new custom BKL sticker to each skier in their group.

We have a GF edible medals please email by Tuesday at noon if you want one for your child.

BKL Info March 3-9

After an amazing winter with cold and snow it seems like spring has found us. The March sun is strong and the snow has started to transform from power to more granular in the open field. Tomasi still has good snow coverage, but we are watching the forecast and snow at Tomasi.

MNC is planning a Season Ender Party at Sleepy Hollow. Join us Sunday, March 23 for skiing and dinner. More Info

Mini Marathon Event Report – Together we skied the distance from Montpelier, VT to Albany, NY!

Tuesday 3/4: Penguins, JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes, Racers
Location: Tomasi
Details: Classic for all. Devos there is no official Devos practice at Sleepy, but there is an option to join Racers at Tomasi or ski on your own.
Waxing: It looks  like 32 degrees at practice time and possible snow showers. We’ll have the bench and kick wax at the parking lot. Please come a little early if you need help waxing. We also recommend skiing on skin skis or no wax skis. Kids that raced last weekend could ski on their race wax. 

Thursday 3/6: JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes, Racers & Devos
Location: Tomasi
Details: Skate for all and this is going to be our tentative fun ski Olympics Day. Yes, we are on for Olympics Day!

Saturday/Sunday:  Racers & Devos – weekend practices are done for the season.

BKL Season Lease Ski and Race Suit Return

Thanks to everyone that rented race suits and ski equipment from MNC this season. It’s hard to believe that the season is almost over.

Race Suit Rental Return:

If you are done racing for the season, please return your washed suit to Coach Liz at any of the next few practices. Please put it in a bag and write your name on the outside so we know who returned the suit.

If you are hoping to race some late season races, please keep your suit and return by March 30th. Email Coach Liz for drop-off details –

Ski Equipment Rental Return:

If you are done skiing for the season please return your skis at the last day of practice. If you can’t make it to practice or want to try and ski a few more times this season please try to return skis by March 30. Email Coach Liz for drop-off details –

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