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BKL Info December 16-21

It’s still early season conditions out there and we have both rain and snow in the forecast for the week.

Sub-Groups and Coach Info
Parent Meeting Notes
Season Long Schedule

Tuesday, December 17 – Penguins, JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes, Racers and Devos
Location: Mills Riverside Park, Jericho
Time: 3:45pm-5:15pm
Details: Dryland practice for all – wear shoes or boots that you can run and hike in – Penguins (no poles) and everyone else bring classic length poles for some running/hiking.  Wear your headlamp.

Reminder: There is no inside space or bathrooms (go before heading over).


Thursday, December 19– JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes, Racers and Devos
Location: Mills Riverside Park, Jericho
Time: 3:45pm-5:15pm
Details: Dryland practice – wear shoes or boots that you can run and hike in. Bring classic length poles for some running/hiking.  Wear your headlamp.


Reminder: There is no inside space or bathrooms (go before heading over). Wear a headlamp.

Saturday, December 21 – Racers and Devos Practice at Sleepy Hollow for a Skate ski. Meet Coach Nate at 10am ready to ski on the trail outside the lodge and finish up about 11:30.  Please RSVP to, so we have an idea of how many are planning to come.  You can watch the Sleepy Hollow conditions and web cam here.


Vacation Week  – We will be off from December 21 – January 1. Here are some ideas on how to stay active over school vacation.

  •  Yard Skiing – If you have snow at home try yard skiing. Make a little track, build a jump or ski after dinner with your headlamp.
  • Tomasi Meadow skiing is  open to the community –  Tomasi Conditions and Grooming Updates
  • Sleepy Hollow and Craftsbury are also great local-ish options and they both make snow.
  • NENSA Ski Bingo is back this year. It’s a fun skiing challenge with prizes.
  • Ice Skating – lots of local indoor community rinks and most rent skates.

    JackRabbits having fun playing games in the snow.

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