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BKL Training 2/23 – 2/25 – Orford Trip

School vacation is here for most MNC skiers, and with pitiful snow still clinging to only a few patches of ground here and there, the time has come for an adventure!
Tuesday:  Special Road Trip to Mt. Orford, CANADA!!  Mt. Orford has 50 KM and lots of snow! There are warming huts we can ski and have lunch at. Depending on where you live, it is about a 2 hour drive (not including the border crossing). We will go early and spend the day skiing!  More details below.
Wednesday:  Craftsbury Day!  Meet at Craftsbury at 11:00 AM.  Bring both skate and classic skis. We will join the Craftsbury BKL kids for some fun skiing and games. Bring lunch and have it at Craftsbury, then go home and rest or ski more!
Thursday: Practice at the Range 3:45, skate technique. 
Trip to Mt. Orford:
Day Pass:  $14.13 Canadian, Children 0-17 are free!
Directions:  We are going to the Lac Stukely Sector of Parc National du Mont Orford, Quebec.  There are directions on their website:
Border Documentation Needed: 
a) Adults: Passports or Enhanced Drivers
b) Kids: Passports or Birth Certificate and school photo ID
c) Kids travelling w/o parents (car pooling):  Parents need to provide a written letter of permission allowing the adult driving your child to take your child into Canada for the day and a phone number of where you can be reached that morning. Please be sure that you include the name of the adult your child is travelling with and where they are going.
Monday Night:  1) Pack your car with: skate skis, classic skis, poles, ski boots, kick wax, lunch, water bottles, back pack to carry lunch, extra socks & gloves, change of clothes, lots of ski clothes.
2) Get Border Documentation Ready
Tuesday: 7:30-depart!  Drive 2 + hours to Mt. Orford. Arrive at Orford 10-11,  wax up your classic skis, meet up with who ever is there already and go for a ski.
11 AM meet outside Touring Center with your lunch and water in a backpack you can ski with on classic skis.  We will ski a long ski to a warming hut, have lunch, and ski back.
1 PM Switch to skate skis(unless the classic is just too good!). Ski until 3 PM.
3 PM Pack up and head back to VT


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