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MNC skiers named to NENSA Elite/Devo Teams

  1. Congrats to our athletes named to NENSA’s Elite and Development teams! These teams recognize great performance across the season, as well as Junior Nationals. We’re proud of these skiers and what they have achieved, and excited to have them representing not only MNC but NENSA and our region itself at high levels of sport.

NENSA Elite/Devo Press Release

Elite Team

Anders Linseisen

Ava Thurston (MNC Alum/Dartmouth)

Hattie Barker (MNC Alum/UNH)

Emma Crum (MNC Alum/Bowdoin)

Devo Team

Greta Kilburn

Gillian Fairfax

Brooke Greenberg

Kate Carlson

Jonah Gorman

Liatoppen Biathlon Festival

Kate and Brooke were in Norway last week, taking in the culture of Scandinavian skiing racing in the Liatoppen biathlon festival!

Logo, Liatoppen Biathlon Festival

Of course all ski trips have time for just hanging out!

Youth biathletes from all over were competing, and this is a cool experience geared toward younger athletes. After spending about a week getting used to the scene over in Norway, Kate and Brooke and other teammates from the US competed in 3 races with giant crowds of competitors…we’re often used to biathlon being a pretty small event in America, especially at the youth level. So this was certainly a different and very defining experience!

It was a long season with difficult snow conditions here in New England, and many among our Juniors have already shifted focus to resting, vacationing, or spring sports such as lacrosse and track. However, ski races have still been going off here and there, particularly in Scandinavia where the fever runs rampant for anything on snow! It is great to extend the season as long as you can, and getting to do so in a new and inspiring environment can make clipping into the race skis in mid-April that much easier.

As spring break approaches, all the MNC athletes are probably looking forward to a real break. Things start up with Spring Training on May 7th!

Kate racing with blue skies and nice snow!

Sleepy Hollow Mtn Race – racing and volunteering opportunities

Calling all runners and uphill enthusiasts…the Sleepy Hollow Mountain Race is a fun, challenging, local mountain race. For the second year in a row this race is at Cochran’s.

Oh…and there will be pancakes for all, much like at Nordic Cross! Check out photos from last year’s race to get psyched!

The kids race is the perfect spring adventure for BKL skiers. Kids races are free, but online registration is encouraged.

  • Race Date is Sunday May 5, 2024  kids race at 11:15 and 10km at noon
  • Registration  Link Here
  • If you are curious who else is registered Link Here
  • Online pre reg is $30 + reg fee (late rate after 4/26 $40); Under 18 is $25 + reg fee

This race is part of the USATF-NE Mountain Running Series, the oldest mountain running circuit in the US.

Volunteers needed! Help support this homegrown local race. Coach Liz is looking for a few more volunteers to help make the race run smoothly. If you want to get in some training while volunteering, try course monitor. Other volunteer jobs include parking, registration, timing or pancake flipping. There will also be a crew of kids at the water station (right next to the Cochran’s lodge). Email us if you are interested in volunteering or  Sign Up to Volunteer Here

We hope to see you at the race!

Liz Hollenbach and Kasie Enman


Kids 2 laps racers sprinting off the start line. photos by @joevigerphoto

Sweet prizes! photos by @joevigerphoto

Volunteering fun! photos by @joevigerphoto

MNC Summer Apparel!

MNC compression shorts now available for 2024!

Podiumwear Summer Storefront

MNC general summer apparel store also online!

MNC General Shop


Our Podiumwear compression shorts are one our most popular items ever. Ideal for rollerskiing, great for running, and useful in all sorts of other athletic situations, these shorts became a hit as more and more members started rocking them at training.

They typically run small so please note this in your order. For a reference point, Coach Adam wears a Men’s Large.

It’s common for athletes to ask about these in the summer, and wonder “where can I get them??” but please be advised: this is a Podiumwear Storefront order, meaning the only pairs produced are those that are ordered through this storefront!

The storefront is set to close on May 7th in order for shorts to arrive by mid-June for the beginning of summer training. You can also order a high-quality MNC hoody from Podiumwear at this storefront!


U16 Mountain Camp (formerly Mini Mountain Camp) registration OPEN!

Our U16 Mountain Camp (formerly known as “Mini Mountain Camp”) will be held from July 25 – 28 in Lake Placid, NY!

This camp is intended for U16 (and rising-U16) skiers. Experienced U14 skiers are able to attend with coach permission.

Rollerskiing at U16 Mountain Camp in 2023

Often the first training camp experience for skiers of this age, U16 Mountain Camp is focused on exploring new places and building connections with friends and teammates.

Skate rollerski experience is necessary, primarily from a safety perspective. The final makeup and experience of our camp group will determine how much rollerskiing factors into our schedule, but at least some time will be devoted to the activity. We’ll also enjoy trail running, hiking, ski bounding, and maybe even mountain biking if there’s an interest.

U16 Mountain Camp has space for up to 10 athletes, and is led by Coach Adam and Coach Kristen! You can register for the camp at the MNC Registration Page or by clicking the button below!

This camp runs Thurs-Sun (a day longer than years past), and is $349 with an option for a non-refundable deposit of $50, with remainder due June 1.

U16 Mountain Camp 2024

Blog post/recap from 2023 Camp

Photo Album: 2023 Camp

Ski bounding at Bromley, 2023 camp

Our camp in 2023 was held in Ludlow, hit hard by flooding, so we met with the town organizers to do some volunteer cleanup/strength training


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