It’s MNC Skiathlon week! This is our “home” ski race for all ages and proceeds go to support the MNC scholarship fund. Everyone is invited to race or come cheer and check out the scene (details and registration link below). At practice this week kids that are planning to race will do some skiathlon practice. Tuesday we will practice with just our classic equipment and Thursday we’ll practice with skate boots and both skate and classic skis and poles.
BKL Fest Volunteering: Our friends at Frost Mountain Nordic have asked us to spread the word that they are looking for some more volunteers for the NENSA BKL Festival (March 2+3). Please check it out and sign up for a spot if you are available. Frost Mountain Nordic: Bill Koch League Festival at Rikert (
Bring a Water Bottle! This time of year we start to do more trail skis at practice- everyone is working hard and getting thirsty. If you have some type of little waist pack, water bottle holder or camel back at home it would be a great to bring it to practice to carry water while skiing. These don’t have to be fancy, just secure around the waist and hold a bottle. You can also bring a full water bottle and leave it at the edge of the trail near the metal fence below the Walker Building. Coaches have been working on stopping for water breaks along the way. Reminder: the water in the Walker Building is not potable. We are also working on collecting some hand me down water bottle holders. Let us know if your child would like one
Last couple days to order Neon Pink and Yellow Sweatshirts! We’ve reopened the online MNC Apparel Shop for youth, men’s and women’s clothing. Orders due by February 7th at midnight. Order Here
BKL Sub-Groups | Parent Volunteer signup sheet | BKL Season Long Schedule
Tuesday 2/6: Penguins, Jack Rabbits, Arctic Foxes & Racers
Location: The Range
Details: Classic for ALL – Devos check out the Junior training doc
Practice Waxing Info: If you raced this past weekend at Sleepy you can ski on your race wax one more time. Forecast is for mid 20s and it may be something like violet klister. You could also try a warm hard wax like Toko Yellow. We’ll have the wax bench setup inside the Walker Building and will have wax available.
Racers, Liz’s Jack Rabbit Group and any child doing the Skiathlon: we will practice some ski changes in just classic equipment today.
If there are any Arctic Foxes or Grade 3/4 Jack Rabbits (1/2 Racers do a classic loop only) interested in racing the Skiathlon, bring classic equipment and join Racers and Liz’s Group for Skiathlon practice. Let your coach know and they will help connect you.
Thursday 2/8: Jack Rabbits, Arctic Foxes, Racers & Devos
Location: The Range
Details: Skate
Racers, Devos, Liz’s Jack Rabbit Group and any Arctic Fox or Grade 3/4 Jack Rabbit doing the Skiathlon: Wear the boots you use for skating and bring both Skate & Classic Equipment for Skiathlon Practice. Let your coach know and they will help connect you with a group that’s practicing Skiathlon.
Saturday 2/10: Skiathlon at Sleepy Hollow
Online registration closes Fri 2/9 at 5pm (BKL $12 and lollipop free)
Day of race registration is also available (BKL $20 and lollipop free)
Let coaches know you are coming: Racer Sign Up List
If you are coming to Sleepy help make cookies for BKL Prizes: Sign Up to Bring Cookies
MNC Team Info and We’ll also email it to families on the Racer Sign Up List.
Looking ahead: Next week we are planning to do the Mini-Marathon (the exact day is TBD and will be based on weather and conditions). At the Mini-Marathon we all ski on the 1km loop and kids can ski at their own pace with friends and coaches. We need some parent volunteers to bring snacks, help at the snack table and count laps. Mini-Marathon Sign Up