It is looking like excellent classic conditions for this year’s Bogburn! Temps will be cold overnight, and combined with new snow this week that means harder glidewax and green and blue kickwaxes.
Glide Wax
It is important, in cold snow, to have “hardened” bases. Putting a few layers of green or blue glide wax in your skis (as opposed to just one) will make the base noticeably more shiny and harder, which keeps it faster when the snow crystals are new and sharp.
-Begin by “hardening” your glide zones with 2 layers of CH4, CH5, Toko NF Blue, or your favorite colder glide wax. Scrape and brush between layers.
-Final layer is a blue glide wax of your choice: Toko NF/LF/HF Blue, Swix CH/LF/HF 5 or 6, Holmenkol Racing Mix Cold, etc
-Scrape off and brush VERY thoroughly! If you have a nylon or horsehair brush, polish back and forth until the bases have a nice shine
Kick Wax
A binder will be important for this race. To watch a video on how to best apply a hardwax binder, see the embedded clips on the bottom of this page.
One of the best and easiest binders to use is Toko Base Green. However, for a cold race such as the Bogburn and colder kickwax (for example Swix V30) can be used as an ironed-on binder.
-Begin by roughening up your (cleaned) kick zone, and ironing in a THIN green base binder
-Feel free to check-in with Adam on race day, but to start with for kick a good bet it one or two thin layers of Toko Blue, Swix V40, or other blue hardwax, covered with one or two layers of Toko X-Cold, Swix V30, or other green hardwax.
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