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Staying Warm on Skis

We’re in the midst of a bitter cold stretch of weather, with below-zero temps the new norm and frozen mornings the usual start to the day.

At the Fort Kent races, the Juniors ran into some of the same conditions. We had a couple of rough situations with the cold, and since then I’ve been (for the most part) super impressed with how everyone has taken the lessons learned and been able to ski consistently and train well over the Holiday break.

Gotta get that double poling, no matter the temps

Given the weather forecast this week, which remains cold, it seemed like an appropriate time to share some strategies for handling cold weather!

1) Dress warm

This one should probably go without saying, but you’ve gotta start at the beginning! These are the kind of days when it pays to start a little too over-dressed and shed layers if needed. Socks need to be wool, no exceptions! Full baselayers are ideal, and a vest is really clutch for keeping mobility while retaining core temps.

2) Buffs and Hats and Gloves

Hats for your head (not headbands!) and buffs are both great. A buff can cover your ears, keep your neck warm, and in a pinch cover your mouth/nose…all at once! Donning TWO buffs at once is not unheard of.

With gloves, go big or go home! I’ve skied in nothing but my Toko Arctic Gloves for the past two weeks. The mitten version would be even better but I admit I can’t stand not having independently-moving fingers.

3) Face Tape

I’ll admit, I didn’t give this concept a chance until the past few weeks, and I am now a convert. You can buy specially-made “face tape”, but all it is is KT tape in a different package. This stuff can be found at any drugstore, or the pharmacy isle of grocery stores. Three strips are perfect: two for each cheek, one for the nose. It’s amazing how much a little wind buffer can do for your face and head temperature. There will be a roll at the Range on Tuesday available.

4) Vaseline/Dermatone

Much like “Face Tape” is just a fancier, more packaged version of KT Tape, “Dermatone” is really just a fancier, more packaged version of Vaseline or even the store-brand chemical mixture known as Petroleum Jelly. A little bit of this has the same effect as face tape although the residue is a bit more to handle.

5) Boot warmers/hand warmers

Something else that can seem silly but really be worth it’s weight in fluoros when the time is right. The best trick I ever heard of with these (from an article by Brian Gregg) is to put them on TOP of your toes when skiing. This lets you still feel the natural flex of your skis a boot (no bumps or lumps) but still keep your feet from freezing. It’s best to warm them up before using…holding them under a hand-dryer or next to a fireplace for 30 seconds will jump-start their chemical-warming contents!

6) Overboots

Again, something I never considered until I was given a pair by Rossi one year. These things are GREAT. It’s amazing how much warmer your feet with be with just a simple neoprene shell. You can find pairs made by your favorite boot brand, or other options not tailored to certain brands. Rossi Overboots at Skirack

Juniors ready for a below-zero ski at the Range

BKL Racers: Do the Stowe Nordic Cross-cut Race!

Set your sights on the Stowe Nordic Classic on January 7!  There is a 2km mass start BKL Race.  Everyone is welcomed to race. For some it will be a sprint, for others, the perfect distance race. Check out our calendar listing and register on Ski Reg. Race starts at noon so arrive at 10:30 to get your skis waxed up. Email Coach Rosemary ( if you plan to go and look for us where the wax benches are set up.


Practice Cancellation Reminders

Hello all,

Yesterday was our first big situation of practices needing to be changed and altered due to conditions at the Range. We have many ways of reaching out to members when things come up unexpectedly.

The blog and website are always tools for communication. Likewise, the Junior and Masters training docs, respectively, will usually have info posted even if it’s last-minute.

The Range Snow Report page has conditions and will often have useful training updates as well.

Finally, the “Remind” app is a great way to be absolutely in touch. This app sends out mass-texts to our various groups. If we need to make a last-minute change to a ski day, we will try to send out a Remind note by 2:30pm.

To sign up for Remind, send a text to the number 81010. In the body of the text, put @mncbk (for BKL) @mncma (for Masters) or @mncj (for Juniors).

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