This Saturday, MNC held our annual end-of-season party to celebrate a great 2016/2017. No manmade snow was required to make for a great day of skiing, as another late-season storm brought a few fresh inches of snow to an already-snowy Vermont! It served as a good metaphor, to say the least: no matter how great our seasons are, Mansfield Nordic can always look for more!

Thank you so much to EVERYONE involved with MNC at any level: skiers, parents, volunteers, coaches, board members, the Range groomers, the National Guard, our great sponsors (Toko, Bobo’s, Skirack, Rossignol, Rudy Project, Dee PT) and all of the great skiers and community members that make our sport such a joy!
At our event, we also said a very special thanks to Sharon Henry and Gary Solow, who have contributed unimaginable amounts of their own time and energy to help organize events, capture photos, rally volunteers, and handle all manner of gatherings. Many, many thanks Sharon and Gary!

Karen gave a very nice speech recognizing all that Sharon and Gary have done for MNC!