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BKL Practice and Parent Meeting- Dec. 1

Practice for Tue/Thurs BKL groups (Snow Leopards, Jackrabbits & Penguins) starts on Thursday, Dec. 1.  We don’t know if we’ll be on skis or foot yet, so check back (here) on Tuesday or Wednesday to find out.

We will have a PARENT MEETING from 5 -5:30 PM in the Walker Building at the Range (this is the biggest building facing the biathlon range). Coaches and kids will join us at 5:15.

If you have any questions before then, feel free to e-mail Rosemary at

If you need DIRECTIONS:

We are looking forward to seeing your child or children on the 1st!

PS  Our Friday Fox Program is targeted to start Dec. 16th.  Watch our blog for updates.

MNC Annual Meeting

Thank you to everyone who came out to the MNC Annual Meeting last night! We had many great moments and experiences to look back on, and the great turnout and positive energy showed that our club is ready for a great winter ahead. Some of the events of the evening included:

  • Rental and distribution of Friday Fox ski equipment with Dan
  • A fun “hash run” at Mills Riverside park, organized by Jim and JoAnn. Lots of twists and turns, and it’s safe to say everyone got some solid distance covered!
  • A delicious potluck meal with dishes from all of our members
  • Speeches and discussions from Kort and Adam on the club’s past, present, and future [Presentation Link]
  • A discussion from special guest Patrick Weaver on his time as a US Ski Team athlete and Olympian, as well as his take on skiing in college. [Presentation Link]
  • A raffle and silent auction featuring gear and goodies from Toko, Mammut, and Bobo’s Oat Bars.

Here are a couple of photos. There are surely more to come, so as they arrive please check the MNC Flickr album for more! Special thanks to big organizers like Sharon Henry and Jim Fredericks for helping to craft this awesome event.

Ready to kick off the run

Ready to kick off the run

Tasty potluck spread!

Tasty potluck spread!

Enjoying all that food

Enjoying all that food

Kort sharing some programming info

Kort sharing some programming info

Pat Weaver sharing some ski memories. Look for a video of Patrick's talk soon!

Pat Weaver sharing some ski memories. Look for a video of Patrick’s talk soon!

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