We are grateful once again for our awesome partnership with Toko wax and tools. Toko helps provide our club and members with all sorts of great Nordic products, from gloves and hats to wax and irons.
Each year, we receive two special order forms for Toko products: one for gloves/softgoods and one for wax/hardgoods.
- Our members receive 30% everything through Toko, and 25% off Swix, on the order forms below.
- The form is filled out by interested members and brought to Skirack.
- Skirack fills the order and calls/emails when the order is in.
This is a once-per-year opportunity, so please consider what you’d like for the entirety of the 2023/2024 ski season!
Click below to download the forms:
What does MNC recommend?
First off, feel free to visit www.tokous.com for more product details. We receive a lot of club support from Toko (in addition to this order form) so we encourage our members to purchase from Toko whenever possible!
For wax and tools, a complete set of the standard grip waxes (base, blue, red, yellow) will serve you well. We often train on warmer waxes like Toko Red and Toko Yellow given our regional trends. These waxes are sold in a kit which includes a scraper and a cork, which is very convenient.
A cork is necessary for kickwaxing, and a synthetic cork is recommended.
We also use a lot of klister in New England…Toko makes a base, blue, red (universal), and yellow klister. One of each is recommended, but you can also pick up handy spray versions of these waxes.
For glide wax, sprays can be very easy…apply, let them dry, and brush to polish…you’re done! These waxes come in three different colors based on temp and snowtype…and like the gripwax, they are also available in a kit.
You’ll notice that the kit still contains a block of Toko Base Performance Blue. This is because after a few spray waxings, it is important to treat your bases with a “traditional” hot wax job. Think of spray waxes like drinking, and hot waxes like eating…you can go for a while just on hydration, but sooner or later your ski bases will need to eat!
Glide waxing with a traditional paraffin block requires an iron, a scraper, and a stiff brush. Toko sells all of these at various price points. It is highly recommended that you wax with a dedicated ski waxing iron (not your clothes iron) for good temperature control and heat distribution.
What about gloves?
We’ve tried all of the Toko gloves, and they offer a great system. Which is best?
If you had to get one pair, the Toko Thermo Plus offers good insulation and warmth without compromising grip characteristics. A slightly lighter version, the Toko Thermo Race, also provides some good wind blocking with less overall bunk.
For cold hands, the Toasty Thermo Mitten is the warmest nordic ski glove/mitten product that we have ever experienced!
For those that prefer the ultimate in ski pole feel and light weight, the Toko Profi is a favorite among racers.