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Archive | BKL Jackrabbits

Excellent BKL Coaching Blog

This blog is written by an important coach in the Canadian development pipeline. He works most closely with young athletes (BK through early junior). All of his old posts are worth reading and he raises some excellent quetsions and provides useful insight for coaches — especially our MNC coaches working with BK athletes.

If you’d like to bookmark the website:

BK and Masters This Week + Pics

BK and Masters – ON SNOW this week!

Tuesday 12/17 – Classic Skiing at the range

Thursday 12/19 – Skate Skiing at the Range

Saturday 12/21 – Extra ski for BK Racing Team ski at Craftsbury 10:30 – Noon – Skate skis.  Watch some of the Eastern Cup Sprints but mostly log some km’s and get used to skiing again plus some technique improvement activities.

Sunday 12/22 – BK and Masters races at Craftsbury.  Info at

COOL Pics from the past week:

Note Will Solo’s body position – Beautiful! Will was a BK skier last year and this photo was taken by is Dad Gary on Saturday at Rikert.

IMG_1798Masters skiers Chelsea and Jack do some typical core strength training with a medicine ball


An early season Team Photo of MNC BK skiers (about 1/2 of the team)


BK skiers working on building strong quads…


Ali, Sammi and Maura hamming it up!



BK Update 12/12/13

BK Practice will be on foot – not skis – on Thursday.  Our best information on the trail condition: yes there is snow but not enough to keep from going through and causing damage to the ski bases.  It will be quite cold tomorrow so please make sure the kids all have adequate cold weather clothing.  We will do a mix of outdoor and indoor activities.

If any parents have time during ski practice and would like to help out we need to move some firewood into the Walker Building……Thanks.

Bring on the SNOW!

BK and Masters 12/10 – 12/15


Tuesday 12/10: Dry-land training at the range with BK Racing Team rotating inside for  a skills session: applying kick wax.  Parents are welcome to learn too.

Thursday12/12:  Dry-land training at the range unless we pick up enough snow to ski.  Check here for updates.

Saturday 12/14 : BONUS – J2 and U14 kids – race up at Central VT Nordic Coop Skate race @ Breadloaf (Ripton, VT). Details on NENSA website. $10 cost for trail fee.


Tuesday12/10 and Thursday 12/12 – Dry- land training at the range.  Please check for updates incase we have enough snow to ski somewhere.

Saturday 12/14 : BONUS – Masters -kick of the season with a race at Central VT Nordic Coop Skate race @ Breadloaf (Ripton, VT). Details on NENSA website. $10 cost for trail fee.

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