Things are still being figured out and are bound to change, but here are a few things about BKL Racing this year:
•Races will all be interval start (i.e., one person every 30 seconds or so)
•We will need to wear masks at races, but not while we race.
•Racing will be more local. We are hoping to have a NWVT race schedule with the clubs in our District- Mad River, Sleepy Hollow and Frost Mt. This won’t be figured out until later in November.
• We will have our MNC Skiathlon- it will be February 27th at Sleepy Hollow.
• We might have some club time trials if it looks like there will not be enough races for us. We might even invite another club to one of our time trials. One weekend per month we might skip racing and go for a really long fun ski tour instead!
•We will have a District BKL Festival on March 6 & 7 instead of the New England Festival. All the NWVT clubs will participate!
So get your skis ready and check your wax supply! We will be racing this winter in one way or another!