After a quick morning phone call with the race director, we confirmed conditions were good in Warren, there was no wind and the race was on. The gusty winds and rain on the west side of the Green Mountains made us second guess bringing the tent and fire pit. But Justin was confident it would all work out. It did rain most of the afternoon, so we were all very glad to have tent space to stay dry and a fire to warm our fingers.
The Mad River Ramble hosted by Mad River BKL is a great community race and for the second year in a row the races took place at Blueberry Lake XC Center in Warren, VT. The trails were well covered by natural snow and the conditions were wet and soft. It was a good race for spectators and parents crisscrossed the fields to cheer on foot and skis.
The afternoon started off with the lollipop races- cousins Johannes Hollenbach and Daisy Tremble both loved the classic race and were rewarded with a cookie at the finish line.
Nora Johnson and Ollie Laber raced in the Grade 1/2 classic race. The 1km course was one loop of the field. Nora had a quick recovery after getting tripped up in the start and skied a great race. She reported her favorite part of the race was the “downhills”. Ollie worked hard and did a lot of double polling to keep his speed on the soft, slow downhills.
Bella Altadonna, Mazzy Merritt and Oliver Tremble all started together in the Grade 3/4 skate race. Their course did two laps around the 1km field loop. Bella and Mazzy skied much of the race with eyesight of each other, powered up the final hill and finished in a small group of racers just 4 seconds apart. Oliver skied most of the race going back and forth with a Ford Sayer skier and crossed the line a skis length ahead.
Finn Laber raced the 3km Grade 5/6 race. Finn skied hard the whole way and had an amazing kick up the last hill and into the finish.
By the time Oakley Crawford started in the Grade 7/8 race the rain had turned to snow. Oakely skied a great race with some tricky trail conditions on the narrow 4k course through woods and fields.
Thanks to everyone that came out to the race despite the weather. The Mad River Ramble was a fun event! Nice work MNC BKL!
If you would like to share photos please email them to
*If your family is interested in coming to check out a weekend ski race with MNC please be in touch. They are fun family ski events open to all MNC BKL kids. More info on upcoming events- BKL Events