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BKL this week

BKL this week – bring skate skis and running gear.  We should have small section of groomed ski trail to work with.  Below are some photos for last weeks training and hot cocoa day.  Thanks to Molly C for the pics and to all the parents that helped with cookies and hot chocolate!

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MNC fund raising effort to purchase generator

The club is seeking donations to help purchase a portable generator that can be used at the wax tent for BK, Junior and Masters events.  The Honda generator is capable of running wax irons allowing us to help athletes with both glide and kick waxing at important events.  Parent volunteer Don Harmeyer checked out the options and selected the Honda EU200i.  He has also contacted a local business that will match the best price available (approx. $1000.00)  If you would like to donate please send a check to MNC C/O Rick Costanza 24 White Pine Rd, Fairfax, VT 05454.  Thanks!


Honda Generator


BKL This Week

BKL Racing and Jackrabbits – we will be at the range T-TH this week for ski practice.  Just in case the man-made snow piles are big enough: Bring skate skis and running shoes and a plastic sled if you have one – for the MNC Chariot Races.   PLEASE – no more shorts and T-shirts.  Hypothermia and frostbite are no fun.

Sunday – There is a BKL race at Craftsbury.  Coaches will be there to help. Race information is posted at:

Here are a few pics from Saturdays BKL at Craftsbury.  The kids did a 2 km time trial and worked on their tele turns later in the day.


MNC Wax Clinic

MNC Wax Clinic with Dave Boucher 12/4/2012

Thanks to Dave Boucher (TOKO) for helping with a hands-on wax clinic for BK skiers and parents as well as Masters skiers on Tuesday.  Along with help from the MNC coaches many kids and Masters skiers walked out with skis prepared for snow and a much better understanding of both glide and kick waxing.  In addition to waxing skis everyone participated in some fun and fitness activities to get ready for ski season.

The BKL Racing Team will have an on snow practice on Saturday morning 12/8 from 10 -11:30 at the Craftsbury Outdoor Center.  We will be on skate skis.  Skiers must purchase a trail pass if they do not already have a seasons pass.  See you there!





Craftsbury Ski on Saturday

Coach Rick and possibly others will be at Craftsbury Saturday for an informal ski session with club members. Don’t forget to purchase a trail pass or better yet a season pass (great deal on family passes at Craftsbury).

Masters – Classic 9 AM – 10 AM

BK – Classic 10:30AM – 12:00

Masters – Skate 1:30 – whenever we want to stop.

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