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BKL News November 6-12

BKL Fun Fall Fridays

We had a great time at Cochran’s last Friday – the highlight was a big game of everyone is it tag that included coaches, parents and MNC skiers from Penguins to Juniors (high school).

We’ll play games, hike/run, do some dryland ski exercise and get outside for some exercise. It’s a great chance to meet coaches, other skiers and parents. These days are for parents and kids-  everyone is encouraged to join the groups! (Don’t worry if you can’t make it, Fall Fridays are just an extra.)

November 10 at Mills Riverside Park, Rte. 15, Jericho  Let us know if you plan come.
November 17 location is Mills Riverside Park, Rte. 15, Jericho

Time: 3:45 to 4:45. It’s going to get dark early, bring your headlamp!

Fun Fall Fridays are FREE!

Big game of tag at Fall Friday #1!

BKL Equipment Resources

How is everyone doing on equipment?

We’ve created a NEW BKL Online Equipment Swap/Loan Spreadsheet where you can post items to sell, to loan or in search of. We hope this will help families with ski equipment and swap things around within the club. Check out the BKL Equipment 101 for links to this spreadsheet and lots of BKL equipment info.

MNC Ski Lease– We have classic no-wax lease gear available- especially for Penguins (pre k- kindergarten) up to Jack Rabbits (1+2 grade).                                            Skis, boots + poles are $89 for the season.

SkiRack Ski Lease– SkiRack still has quite a bit of equipment available for lease (especially in larger sizes). They have combi boots, skate and classic skis.


Please register by November 15 before the program prices increase.

BKL News Oct 30-Nov 5

We had a great xc ski swap this past weekend. It was awesome to see so many familiar faces and fun to meet lots of new kids, families and coaches. Thanks to all that consigned gear and came to purchase gear.

November is almost here and there are several events starting later this week.

BKL Fun Fall Fridays

This is our first week for Fun Fall Fridays and we’ll be at Cochran’s. The weather is looking good. Please wear bright clothes, bring a headlamp (if you have one) and wear sneakers or running shoes.

We’ll play games, hike, do some dryland ski exercise and get outside for some exercise. It’s a great chance to meet coaches, other skiers and parents. These days are for parents and kids-  everyone is encouraged to join the groups! (Don’t worry if you can’t make it, Fall Fridays are just an extra.)

November  3 at Cochran’s in Richmond- we’ll meet in the upper parking lot. Let us know if you plan come.
November 10 at Mills Riverside Park, Rte. 15, Jericho
November 17 location is TBD

Time: 3:45 to 4:45. Bring your headlamp!
Fun Fall Fridays are FREE!

Tomasi Trot and Annual Meeting and Potluck

MNC also has a couple events coming up this weekend that are great for BKL families. Sunday is the Tomasi Trot in Underhill. It’s a fun trail running event on the mowed field trails that we ski on in the winter. Lots of kids and adults will be running and racing. Just after the run is the Annual Potluck Dinner and Meeting at the Underhill Town Hall. Families are encouraged to come.  Lots more info here


At the  swap 11 skiers outfitted with BKL season lease gear over the weekend. We still have more classic no-wax lease gear available- especially for Penguins  up to 1+2 grade. Skis, boots + poles are $89 for the season. Please check out the *new* BKL Equipment 101 page of the website for more info (it’s under the BKL Kids).

Welcome Letter to BKL Families

Hi BKL Families,

I wanted to take a minute to say hello and introduce myself as the new BKL Head Coach. Over the past couple years I’ve been coaching first with Penguins, then Jack Rabbits. Coach Rosemary stepped down from BKL last spring and is working with MNC Masters and Juniors this winter. Read more about our new MNC Coaches here.

I hope you had a great summer and a good start to the school year!  In preparation for the ski season, I have a few updates to share. It’s also a great time to start reading MNC E-blast, so you don’t miss out on any important info.

BKL Winter Registration Opens Monday, October 16th! 
You can check out all the programs on the BKL Winter page of the website. Once registration opens the links will be updated on the registration page.

Registration is a two step process- first you need to renew your MNC membership and get a membership number, then register for programs using the membership number. If you don’t see your membership confirmation, check in your junk folder.

Skiing at the Range this Winter
We are planning to primarily use The Range, Jericho and Tomasi Meadow, Underhill for BKL practice this year. You might have heard that The Range was scheduled to be closed for construction projects around the ski trails, but last week we received an update that they will allow training this winter.

BKL and Adult Puffy/Parka Jackets
We are doing an order of puffy jackets for both children and adults. Order your own jackets online and we will bring them all to get embroidered with the MNC logo. We have found a couple different jacket options. Details and links for ordering can be found HERE.

Order your jacket now, then drop it off with Adam or Liz at the MNC Ski Swap or the first Fall Friday and we will bring them all for embroidering.

Sell your old gear and/or buy some new gear!
Gear Drop Off:  Saturday October 28 4-6pm
Sale: Sunday, October 29 12-5pm. First hour is MNC families only! (Public: 1-5pm)
Location: Community Center of Jericho, 239 Browns Trace, Jericho, VT
Info and details: MNC SKI SWAP

-We will have a rental station set up to rent the MNC no-wax classic ski sets (skis, boots, poles). These are best for Penguins and younger Jack Rabbits.
-Volunteers will be on hand to help you fit ski swap gear.

The swap is all volunteer run and fundraisers for the club. Please consider volunteering. Volunteer Signup

Important equipment information and how to decide if equipment from last year still fits. BKL Ski Equipment 101 

BKL Fun Fall Fridays
We had a lot of fun on Friday’s last year, so we are going to have a few this year too. Look for a post on the BKL Weekly Training Schedule with more info as they get closer.

We’ll play games, hike, do some dryland ski exercise and get outside for some exercise. It’s a great chance to meet coaches, other skiers and parents. These days are for parents and kids and everyone is encouraged to join the groups!

November  3 at Cochran’s in Richmond
November 10 at Mills Riverside Park, Rte. 15, Jericho
November 17 location is TBD

Time: 3:45 to 4:45. Bring your headlamp!
Fun Fall Fridays are FREE!

Feel free to email me if you have any questions. I am happy to help!


Liz Hollenbach
Mansfield Nordic Club
BKL Coach

Toko (and Swix!) Team Order Forms: due Nov 5

We are grateful once again for our awesome partnership with Toko wax and tools. Toko helps provide our club and members with all sorts of great Nordic products, from gloves and hats to wax and irons.

Each year, we receive two special order forms for Toko products: one for gloves/softgoods and one for wax/hardgoods.

  • Our members receive 30% everything through Toko, and 25% off Swix, on the order forms below.
  • The form is filled out by interested members and brought to Skirack.
  • Skirack fills the order and calls/emails when the order is in.

This is a once-per-year opportunity, so please consider what you’d like for the entirety of the 2023/2024 ski season!


Click below to download the forms:

Toko wax and tools

Toko softgoods

Swix order form

What does MNC recommend?

First off, feel free to visit for more product details. We receive a lot of club support from Toko (in addition to this order form) so we encourage our members to purchase from Toko whenever possible!

For wax and tools, a complete set of the standard grip waxes (base, blue, red, yellow) will serve you well. We often train on warmer waxes like Toko Red and Toko Yellow given our regional trends. These waxes are sold in a kit which includes a scraper and a cork, which is very convenient.

A cork is necessary for kickwaxing, and a synthetic cork is recommended.

We also use a lot of klister in New England…Toko makes a base, blue, red (universal), and yellow klister. One of each is recommended, but you can also pick up handy spray versions of these waxes.

For glide wax, sprays can be very easy…apply, let them dry, and brush to polish…you’re done! These waxes come in three different colors based on temp and snowtype…and like the gripwax, they are also available in a kit.

You’ll notice that the kit still contains a block of Toko Base Performance Blue. This is because after a few spray waxings, it is important to treat your bases with a “traditional” hot wax job. Think of spray waxes like drinking, and hot waxes like eating…you can go for a while just on hydration, but sooner or later your ski bases will need to eat!

Glide waxing with a traditional paraffin block requires an iron, a scraper, and a stiff brush. Toko sells all of these at various price points. It is highly recommended that you wax with a dedicated ski waxing iron (not your clothes iron) for good temperature control and heat distribution.

What about gloves? 

We’ve tried all of the Toko gloves, and they offer a great system. Which is best?

If you had to get one pair, the Toko Thermo Plus offers good insulation and warmth without compromising grip characteristics. A slightly lighter version, the Toko Thermo Race, also provides some good wind blocking with less overall bunk.

For cold hands, the Toasty Thermo Mitten is the warmest nordic ski glove/mitten product that we have ever experienced!

For those that prefer the ultimate in ski pole feel and light weight, the Toko Profi is a favorite among racers.

Nico with the Toko Profi glove


MNC XC Ski and Gear Swap 2023

Our ski and gear swap event is back for 2023!

On the afternoon of Sunday, October 29th you can stop by the Community Center of Jericho to find all sorts of Nordic needs…used skis, boots, poles, and apparel will be available for purchase. The swap runs from 12-5pm (with the first hour for MNC members).

This is your chance to clean out all the Nordic ski gear in your basement earn some money, help MNC, and outfit local skiers with gear.  You can drop-off items on Saturday, October 28th from 4-6pm.

After the event? Stop by to pick up your unsold items. If you’d like to keep them out of your closet, garage, or basement, MNC will bring them to the Cochran’s Ski Swap the following weekend, and/or consider them a donation.

Come to the swap to make sure you have the equipment you need for the ’23/‘24 season and beyond.

In addition to traditional ski swap items we will have our full stock of BKL rental skis, boots, and poles from Alpina to get younger skiers all set for winter.

  • If you would like to bring your own items to the swap you may choose to contribute either 25%, 50%, or 100% of your sold items to MNC.
  • Item drop-off is on Saturday, October 28th from 4-6pm at the Community Center. Additionally, we will announce drop-off options with Coach Adam in the MNC trailer in Jericho.
  • Please keep in mind that this swap/sale is for Nordic-specific skis, boots, poles, and apparel only! Thanks.

Items contributed will need to be registered for tracking and sale purchases. You may fill out a hard copy of this information on-site, but it is preferred that you use the form below to provide details of your gear and equipment (up to 5 items per form).

Online gear intake is now closed. You may do consignment on Saturday with an in-person form.

Interested in volunteering to help work at the swap? You can find a volunteer sign-up form below. Thanks for your interest in helping make the sale a success!

Ski Swap Volunteer Form

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