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Join the MNC Race to the Top Team!

The 2023 MNC Race to the Top Team!

Race to the Top: a 4.3 mi. bike or run race up the toll road to the top of Mt. Mansfield! Benefits the Catamount Trail Association that manages the Catamount Trail, the backcountry ski trail that runs the length of Vermont.

Date: Sunday, Aug. 25th.

Consider joining the MNC Team: It will cost $60 to register as a team member and it costs more now to register as an individual. Plus, it’s a whole lot more fun to be a part of our team!  All ages welcome!  To join the the team, email Jim Adkisson by JULY 22 at

Jim will do the team registration. Then you will get an email from Outside/Runreg to finish the registration process and you will reimburse Jim for $60.

For more info on Race to the Top, check out the registration page: RACE TO THE TOP

Join MNC at the Williston Parade! Rollerski, walk, or bike!

If you are a rollerskier of ANY AGE please join us in Williston on the 4th of July to rollerski in the parade!

Oh, and if you don’t want to rollerski but still want to join in the fun…you can certainly walk or ride your bike with us as well!

This is a super fun event…why?

  • We get to show rollerskiing to the whole town
  • We see lots of fun other floats and celebratory groups
  • Music, games, friends, and family

But most of all…

We get SNOW! That’s right, early in the morning we secretly acquire some magical snow and distribute it to the parade-watchers from our rollerskis! It’s a big hit every year, and a totally cool (literally) experience.

The route is about 1 mile and almost totally flat, and we ski at about 1 mph. It’s great for everyone!

The logstics:

  • Meet at 9:30 at the Johnson Farm on Rt 2 in Williston…this is the field just past the Korner Kwik Stop if you’re heading toward Richmond.
  • Wear a hi-viz MNC shirt if you can! We will have extras on-hand.
  • Bring your rollerskis, bike for riding, or shoes for walking, and also gloves as the snow gets cold!

We can go for an actual rollerski in the neighborhoods after, for those Juniors who join us and want to get in some training after-the-fact.


MNCC Comes Together

I didn’t get a ton of sleep last week.

Turns out that it is pretty motivating to have a building renovation underway. There’s a reason that entire television networks are based around before-and-after stories of dilapidated houses getting turned into beautiful homes: the sense of “what if” can’t be ignored.

Having the MNCC project underway is like being a paleontologist  discovering the fossilized remains of a gigantic new dinosaur.  You know that the skeleton isn’t going anywhere, but every time you’re at the dig site you can’t help but dust off one more bone, or take one more measurement…and before you know it, it’s 10:30pm one night, or 12:40am the morning after you started some project.

It’s not just me. Club members and leaders have been getting involved along the way. After joining us for a painting session one afternoon, I got a text from Board member Mike Millar that outed him as having eaten dinner, put his baby to bed, and returned to paint the ceiling late into the night.

There wasn’t much asking around at training one morning until I found a willing volunteer to help me pick up some lumber. With a few canoe straps, Pat Frazier and I tied down several pieces of particle board (that would eventually form the missing back wall of the MNCC) to his Subaru’s roof rack. I paid Pat his wages for the ordeal (one bagel with cream cheese from the shop next door) and after evening training and biathlon, we unloaded the boards at the MNCC so that work could continue.

Throughout the week as I was working inside the building, my car was conspicuously parked outside right on Route 2. Several times I heard a car honk as it went past, and would run over to a window to see an MNC junior or collegiate skier speeding off in the distance. They knew I was getting things ready, and were giving a salute on their drive past.

Sometimes a guest would even stop by, such as the time Rye walked in to see what was happening and found himself with a rag in hand applying floor polish mere minutes later. On several occasions, MNC University coach Brandon and I have finished practice and driven straight down to the MNCC to paint trim, piece together gym flooring, or assemble squat racks.

Brandon assembling the floor of the “gym” area!

It feels really good to have a project like this, and it feels like exactly what both me and the club needed this summer. It was time for a change, and for a new branch of growth. The possibilities for this space grow with every new conversation as we transform this space.

I even went into the Richmond Library to dig up a little information on the building’s history. I’m an admitted fan of local history, and others may have the same kind of interest. So what did I find?

The building we are in is, unsurprisingly, connected to all of the other industrial-style buildings in the the immediate vicinity, including several barn structures across the road. This was all the Plant and Griffith Lumber Company, the principle industry in Jonesville.

The building we are in was constructed in 1925, making next year the centennial! The location of the railway right onsite made shipping lumber extremely smooth, and I was let in on another cool tidbit from the property manager Dave…just west of the collection of buildings we’re in is a small one-story ranch home still occupied today. The Plant and Griffith Company made a lot of it’s money in manufactured/fabricated homes from their lumber, and that ranch house is the model display home!

I plan to get copies made of these (and other) historical documents, and have them framed to go into the lower level of the MNCC! I think it’s really important to recognize the history and significance of local buildings that have been around for so long, and were integral to the community. I hope that MNC can now use this space to create our own lasting legacy!

And so, of course it is time for the “before and after” photos…but something tells me we’ll never quite be done putting finishing touches onto this space here and there! If you’re interested in contributing, check out our Amazon Gift Registry below, and thanks to all those who have already chipped-in! Almost everything you see in these photos came from kind donors.

MNCC Gift Registry!

The original photo of the space

Update time!

A bit of additional views/details

Gym section with racks, spin bike, SkiErg, and core area/tools

Work in progress: coaches office area! A new table is being constructed, and this area will continue to get some more goodies


Skirack Swenor Rollerski Order (due May 13th)

MNC members and skiers,

Skirack has put together some special pricing for us with rollerskis! You can order Swenor skis from Skirack at the link below, with submissions due May 13th.

Note the inclusion of some #2/#3 speed wheel options on the Fiberglass Classic model…if you have been rollerskiing for a few years now (say, if this is going to be your second pair of classic rollerskis) this slightly-slower wheelspeed is recommended as it is much more relatable to actual classic skiing. Double poling is more realistic, and striding work is more effective.

The Fiberglass model also comes in a standard #2 front and back speed, and all other models are #2 speed.

On the order form, you can check out specific notes on models and descriptions which I put together. You can also view those descriptions directly by clicking here.

Click the link below to submit your form for ski ordering through Skirack! Orders are due May 13th.

Skirack Swenor Order Form

Sleepy Hollow Mtn Race – racing and volunteering opportunities

Calling all runners and uphill enthusiasts…the Sleepy Hollow Mountain Race is a fun, challenging, local mountain race. For the second year in a row this race is at Cochran’s.

Oh…and there will be pancakes for all, much like at Nordic Cross! Check out photos from last year’s race to get psyched!

The kids race is the perfect spring adventure for BKL skiers. Kids races are free, but online registration is encouraged.

  • Race Date is Sunday May 5, 2024  kids race at 11:15 and 10km at noon
  • Registration  Link Here
  • If you are curious who else is registered Link Here
  • Online pre reg is $30 + reg fee (late rate after 4/26 $40); Under 18 is $25 + reg fee

This race is part of the USATF-NE Mountain Running Series, the oldest mountain running circuit in the US.

Volunteers needed! Help support this homegrown local race. Coach Liz is looking for a few more volunteers to help make the race run smoothly. If you want to get in some training while volunteering, try course monitor. Other volunteer jobs include parking, registration, timing or pancake flipping. There will also be a crew of kids at the water station (right next to the Cochran’s lodge). Email us if you are interested in volunteering or  Sign Up to Volunteer Here

We hope to see you at the race!

Liz Hollenbach and Kasie Enman


Kids 2 laps racers sprinting off the start line. photos by @joevigerphoto

Sweet prizes! photos by @joevigerphoto

Volunteering fun! photos by @joevigerphoto

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