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BKL Rental Ski Return

If you are still out chasing the last of the snow at higher elevations, way to go!

That said, the spring sun is starting to hit…if you rented some skis from the club and are ready to return them, you can do so by delivering them to Coach Adam’s house in Jericho.

Feel free to leave skis on the front porch; we have a spreadsheet correlating ski numbers/models to renters, so we can mark the skis as returned so long as the info written on the skis remains.

Address for return:

3541 Nashville Rd

Jericho, VT 05465

Look for the MNC van and trailer in the driveway!


Last Day BKL Photos!

BKL kids gather before the hunt begins!

BKL kids gathered for our last day on 3/16.  All the groups hunted for chocolate eggs hidden on the trails.  Following this, coaches awarded them with “edible medals” and various “paper-plate” awards. Finally, many roasted marshmallows over the fire pit in front of the Walker Building.

We want to take this opportunity to say “Thanks” to all the parents for giving us the opportunity to ski with your kids. All of us coaches had a blast and we hope your kids did too! Thanks for getting them outfitted with equipment, getting them to practice on time and picked up afterwards. It was so much fun to watch them all improve their ski skills over the winter. We hope to see you all back next year!

A sampling of the paper plate awards!



“Edible Medals” made out of gingerbread!


Penguins had their last Day on Tuesday 3/21:

Looking for hidden chocolate eggs on the trails!


Penguins got paper plate awards that they can color and maple lollipops!


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