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BKL Info Feb 10-16 – Updated

2/13 Update – Practice is canceled today due to school closures and weather. We will reschedule the Mini Marathon for next week .

2/11 Update – the Frost Mtn BKL race at Rikert this weekend is CANCELED. See below for more info.

It looks like we have another snowy week ahead. This Thursday is our Valentine’s Mini Marathon – it’s a fun way for everyone to ski with friends and see how many laps they can ski! Parent volunteers and snack donations needed. Volunteer + Snacks Sign-Up

Tuesday 2/11: Penguins, JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes & Racers
Location: Tomasi
Details: Skate for JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes and Racers (Classic for Penguins)
Devos at Sleepy Hollow, check the Juniors training plan for details.

Thursday 2/13: JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes, Racers & Devos
Location: Tomasi  -PRACTICE CANCELED- We will reschedule the mini marathon for next week.
Details: Classic for all – Mini Marathon – To celebrate Valentine’s Day we’re doing our Mini Marathon.
Waxing: We’ll have a small bench and some wax set up in the parking lot at the trailhead or you can wax at home ahead of time. Temps should be in the high 20s/low 30s – try Toko yellow or similar.

It’s time for our annual Mini-Marathon! How many laps (or KM’s) can you ski in one hour? We will do a little warm-up and all start together at 4 pm.  Kids will ski at their own pace and as much as they can on the designated loops with friends and coaches. The snack table opens at 4:30 and they can stop to grab water, fuel up and record their number of laps. We try to keep this event FUN and somewhat informal despite how the name sounds.

Parents:  Volunteer + Snacks Sign-Up
1. Every kid should bring a filled water bottle labeled with their name and leave it in the bin located at the trail head in the parking lot. Kids will get thirsty. (We will also bring a big water jug for refilling bottles.)
2. We need parents to bring some healthy snacks for the snack table. Valentine’s treats are OK too. See the sign-up link above. If you bring snacks, please deliver them to the snack bin located at the trail head in the parking lot.
3. We need 2-3 parents to help with the snack table and to help kids record their laps. We’d also love it if someone can take some pictures. See the sign-up link above.

Saturday 2/15: Racers and Devos
Location: Camel’s Hump Nordic Center, Huntington
Details: We’ll classic ski and meet at 10am. Practice will finish at about noon.  Bring a water bottle and snack. Use your reciprocal pass for a ticket.

Saturday 2/15: Devos
Location: Rikert, Ripton, VT
Details:  Frost Mtn Eastern Cup –  Devos can try a U16 race. It’s a 5K Classic interval start race. See Coach Kristen’s email and Link to registration is here. Registration closes on Wednesday at 7:30pm.

Sunday 2/16: BKL Race for All BKL  – Just Added to the Schedule –
Location: Hard’ack, St. Albans
Details: Hard’ack Challenge BKL Race,  Skate Race  Registration and More Info
Please note that Online Registration Deadline: Friday, Feb 14, 2025 at 11:59 PM ET and there will be day of race registration cash or check only.  Let coaches know you are coming

Sunday 2/16: BKL Race for All BKL – CANCELED – We are looking at some other options for the weekend – stay tuned.
Location: Rikert, Ripton, VT
Details: Frost Mtn BKL Race, Skate Race  Registration/Info
Please note that online registration closes Online Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Feb 12, 2025 at 7:30 PM ET and there will be day of race registration from 11:30-1:30pm Let coaches know you are coming

Looking ahead:
Ski with the UVM Ski Team– Sunday, Feb 23 from 11:30am-1:00pm at Sleepy Hollow.  Everyone is invited to play games and on skis and have fun with the UVM Ski Team. We’ll end with a hot drink and snacks. ($5 Sleepy tickets for this event – families should go into the lodge when they arrive to purchase tickets)
Craftsbury Ski Day– Wednesday, Feb 26 at 10am. Join us at Craftsbury for our traditional MNC BKL ski adventure.
BKL Festival – March 1 + 2 at Quarry Road Trails, Waterville, Maine. Nordic Adventure and Racing options available. Check out our Fest FAQs post for more info

BKL Info Feb 3-9

Update: Thursday (2/6) practice is canceled. It looks most schools are canceled today including MMUUSD. You could do some yard skiing or get out close to home during the day.

Thanks to everyone that brought snacks and helped out at the Tour de Underhill last week. We had a wonderful ski adventure and the kids and coaches all had a great time.

It’s perfect winter conditions at Tomasi right now and it looks like lots of snow in the forecast this week both tonight and Thursday. We’ll be grooming, but it will be lots of powder!

Tuesday 2/4: Penguins, JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes & Racers
Location: Tomasi
Details: Skate for JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes and Racers (Classic for Penguins)
Devos at Sleepy Hollow, check the Juniors training plan for details.

Thursday 2/6: Practice canceled  JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes, Racers & Devos
Location: Tomasi
Details: Classic for all
Waxing: We’ll have a small bench and some wax set up in the parking lot at the trailhead or you can wax at home ahead of time. If you raced this weekend leave that wax on and add a couple layers on top. Temps should be in the mid 20s – try Swix extra blue or Toko Red

Saturday 2/8: Racers and Devos
If you are headed to Rikert this weekend do you pre race on Saturday either at Rikert or Sleepy Hollow (practice). If you are not, then there are two options for Saturday. See below for details.

Practice Option
Location: Sleepy Hollow
Details: We’ll skate ski and meet at 10am up in Molly’s Meadow. Practice will finish at about noon. Bring a water bottle and snack.

Race Option
Location: Craftsbury
Details: Bill’s Blastoff BKL Race, Skate Registration/Info
Coaches are not planning to go to Craftsbury for this one, but it should be a pretty straight forward race for parents and kids to go to together.
Sunday 2/9: Devos
Location: Rikert
Details: VT EHS/U16 Qualifier
Adam, Kristen and Sara are all planning to be at Rikert waxing. Check the juniors training doc for registration link and details.

BKL Info Jan 27- Feb 2

We are into the heart of winter and the skiing has been great. This week we have a few fun events for practice at Tomasi – see below for all the details. We will also need a few parent helpers.

This weekend there are several racing and non racing events. If you have been thinking about trying a weekend ski event, now is the time! The Sleepy Hollow Races and Fun on Skis! is Sunday and it’s a good local event with competitive and non competitive fun. Sunday is also the Tour de Stowe with a  5k BKL event – it’s an amazing opportunity to ski at Trapps and would be fun for Arctic Foxes and families.

Sub-Groups and Coach Info

Parent Meeting Notes

Season Long Schedule
Weekend Race and Event Schedule

Tuesday 1/28: Penguins, JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes & Racers
Location: Tomasi
Details:  Skate for JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes and Racers

Penguins (classic) are doing a Mini Marathon this week. We will setup a little course around Tomasi Meadow. Penguins and parents can ski at their own pace and with other Penguin friends around the mini-marathon course. There will be one snack stop at the lower Tomasi parking lot and hot cocoa near the parking lot at the end.

Thursday 1/30: Jack Rabbits, Arctic Foxes, Racers & Devos
Location: Tomasi for Tour de Underhill
Details: Classic for all. We’re doing a ski tour from Tomasi and skiing some trails across Pleasant Valley Rd, around Underhill Central and back to Tomasi. If your child has one please bring a water bottle and holder, drink belt or Camelbak on the ski. We’ll also have a drink/snack stop at the Underhill Central Playground.

We will need some snacks for our snack table, a few extra parent helpers to ski along with us and setup a snack station at UCS.  If you can bring snack or volunteer sign up here.

Saturday 2/1: Silver Fox Trot
Location: Oak Hill, Hanover, NH Registration |Info | Let coaches know you are coming
Details: Skate ski race hosted by our friends at Ford Sayre Ski Club

Sunday 2/3: Sleepy Hollow Ski Club BKL Race and Fun on Skis!
Location: Sleepy Hollow, Huntington, VT  Registration and Info | Let coaches know you are coming
Details: Classic ski race, Fun Park Ski Runs and a Ski Tour Scavenger Hunt This is a really fun event and a great one for all MNC BKL skiers.

Sunday 2/3: Tour de Stowe
Location: Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe, VT Registration and Info | Let other families know you are going
Details: Tour de Stowe is the perfect event for BKL skiers and families that want a non competitive event. We suggest this event for Jack Rabbits and Arctic Foxes.  It’s a fun ski adventure on the famous Trapp Family Lodge Trails with great food stops along the way, like Blueberry Soup! Parents are welcome to ski with kids at their discretion. We do not plan to have coaches at Tour de Stowe.  but if you are planning to go and want to help organize the group please reach out to and we can help coordinate.

Terrific Tomasi

Tomasi Meadow is skiing GREAT right now! We’ve had a long stretch of cold weather and the snow is sticking around. We never know how long that’ll last in New England, so there’s never been a better time to get out and ski.

If you haven’t been to Tomasi Meadow yet, give it a look! This is a beautiful stretch of conserved land in Underhill, right in the shadow of Mt Mansfield, that our club manages and grooms with the help of Peter Davis.

Skiing is FREE at Tomasi Meadow, and we hope many members of the broader ski community (not just MNC) can enjoy cross country skiing in this wonderful place. Our BKL and Afternoon Masters programs have been making great use of the trails, and on Monday some of our coaches joined a group from the Burlington Parks, Recreation and Waterfront (BPRW) who took a field trip out to ski on a sunny day.

You can always check Peter’s latest grooming report on the snow conditions page, which is also linked right at the bottom of the  MNC homepage.

Here’s some photos from Monday, where we experienced bright blue skies and fresh tracks:

Peter, the MNC grooming rig, and Mt Mansfield!

Signage and notes regarding trail use. Thanks for abiding!

MNC Masters skier Tobias enjoys a little skating

If you’ve enjoyed Tomasi Meadow this winter, let others know about it! Share some photos online, tell a friend or family member to check out the trails, or let folks know about the skiing on places like Front Porch Forum. If you’d like to donate to the trails (specifically snow machine fuel and wear-and-tear costs to keep things running) use our Donation Page and mark “Tomasi” in the comments. Thanks!

BKL Info January 20-26 – Updated

It’s a cold week, but the snow is great!!  Kids should wear their warmest layers, MNC neck warmer, mittens (test if they fit in ski pole straps ahead of time). We have extra hand warmers if you need some – check in at the trail head as kids are getting equipment on.

The photos are in from the Skiathlon – you can check them out here.

Tuesday 1/21: Penguins, JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes & Racers
Location: Tomasi
Details:  Skate for JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes and Racers

Classic for Penguins  and they are doing ski with your stuffed animal day. Penguins bring a little stuffie from home and tuck it inside your pocket, jacket or little back pack while you ski together. (We will also have a bag of extras for anyone that forgets.)

Devos are at Sleepy with Coach Kristen – check the juniors training doc for technique and time.

Parking: The Tomasi lot on Mountain Rd. Please park tight, so there is space for everyone. Please don’t park on Pinnacle Ridge (it’s a private driveway). Underhill Central School is an overflow parking location.

Reminder: There is no inside space. Wear a headlamp! Thanks to the Underhill Rec Committee there is a porta potty in Tomasi parking lot.


Thursday 1/23: Jack Rabbits, Arctic Foxes, Racers & Devos
Location: Catamount Outdoor Family Center, Williston from 3:45-5:15
Details: Classic for JackRabbits, Arctic Foxes, Racers and Devos (bring rock skis if you have them, groups will be doing some classic ski touring and adventuring)

Sign up to Ski at Catamount: MNC is covering the cost for our group, but  we need to know if your child is coming. Please fill out the two forms linked below by 2pm on Thursday. Parents can ski too, see the details at the top of the MNC Team Signup Sheet.

The MNC Afternoon Masters group is also going to be at Catamount. If you are part of that group you can sign yourself up on the same list and waiver (below).

1. Fill out the MNC Team Sign up Sheet
2. Sign the Catamount Outdoor Family Center (not required if you filled it out last week)  Yearly Waiver

Parking, etc: Catamount has a big parking lot with a porta potty at one end. They don’t have an indoor space for changing.

*The primary entrance to Catamount is from North Williston Rd. Take note that there is a small section of Governor Chittenden Rd from Rt 2/Williston Rd, that is closed in the winter.

Saturday 1/25: Devos
Location: Craftsbury Outdoor Center Registration and More Info
Details: Classic Craftsbury Marathon BKL Distance with Coach Kristen

Sunday 1/26: Racers
Location: Craftsbury Outdoor Center  Registration and More Info
Details: Skate Craftsbury Marathon BKL Distance with parent chaperones

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