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BKL Practice 3/15

Tuesday, 3/15: All groups Meet by the Walker Building

Penguins: Classic

Everyone Else: Skate

It’s our last day of practice and we’ve got a fun activity planned. We’ll also enjoy the new snow and do our end of season awards. Should be fun!

Thank you Parents for outfitting your child(ren) with ski equipment, making sure they are dressed warmly, getting them to practice on time and helping us out when we asked for help! We loved teaching your kids to ski and playing on snow with them!

Please take a moment and fill out the Program Survey if you haven’t already. Thanks!

*Rental Ski & Rental Race Suit Return:  5:15 with Rosemary inside the Walker Building. If you would like to hold on to skis or suits longer, please email Rosemary,


BKL Practice: Week of 3/07/22

This is our last full week of BKL practice. We should be OK to ski at the Range this week but we will most likely be on the man-made loops.

Tuesday 3/15- Will be our Awards Day and last BKL practice. This will also be our rental ski and rental race suit return day unless you make other arrangements with Rosemary (

Please also take a moment to fill out the END OF SEASON SURVEY.  We use this survey data to evaluate our programs and refocus our efforts to provide you with the best coaching and programs we can. Thank you for filling out this survey!

Tuesday 3/08: Penguins Classic, Everyone Else Skate

Games & Fun Day! We’ve all been working hard on our skiing and many have been racing hard too. We’ll set up some fun activities and some agility challenges and play on skis!

Thursday 3/10: Classic Distance Day

With partly sunny skis and warm temps, it’s time for a nice long easy ski. For Racers and any others on waxable skis, meet us at the wax bench and you will learn how to klister up your skis!

Racers Weekends are all finished.

We stop practices on weekends after the Festival unless there is a chance to do something really fun, like a fun race or a backcountry adventure. Unfortunately, the weather looks like rain for Saturday’s Breadloaf Citizen’s 5k and then it will freeze up for Sunday which means the back-country won’t be very good that day. Boo hoo! Let’s keep our eye on the weather and maybe things will change!

BKL Practice: Week of 3/01

Tuesday, 3/01: Classic Relay Day!

We will all do some fun relays today and practice relay tag-offs as well.

Penguins: Please bring a stuffed animal (one that you won’t mind getting a little snowy!).

Jack Rabbit Parents:  We need some parent helpers for Jack Rabbits 1 and 2 during our March sessions. Sign-up here:

Jack Rabbit Coaching Doc. 

Thursday, 3/03: Skate

We will all build our stamina with a long, keep-moving, tour today and Racers will practice some starts and finishes.

Racers:  BKL Festival Weekend- March 5 & 6:

For those going to the Festival:  Souring Over Snow is the theme! Time to work on your costume: wings, bird hats, capes, glitter. We can dress up for the parade.

Plan to clean classic skis after Tuesday. You will need to wax Skate skis after Thursdays’ practice (or use an extra pair of skis). I will try to post a wax recommendation on Wednesday.

Soon to come: BKL Fest Virtual Meeting

BKL Practice Week of 2/14/22

Vacation Scheduling Reminders:

*No Racer practice 2/19 or 2/20.

*No regular practice 2/22 or 2/24.

* Craftsbury Day on Wednesday, 2/23. All invited. Meet at 10 AM at Craftsbury Outdoor Center for a long ski tour and some play on the hills. Details will be posted next weekend. $5 trail pass for kids, $10 for adults.

*Racers and everyone invited to NWVT BKL Mini-fest Relays at Rikert Touring center 2/27. Registration soon to be live on SkiReg. Relays and a mini-marathon on the beautiful trails at Rikert. You can sign up with a relay partner or we’ll find one for you! Details forth coming!

*Practice at the Range resumes on Tuesday, March 1st.

Practice this week:

Tuesday 2/15: Penguins Classic, Everyone else Skate

Penguins will do a special Valentine’s Day themed activity!

Jack Rabbits, Arctic Foxes & Racers:  It’s time for the Mini-marathon! How many k’s can you ski during our practice?  We will be skiing, skiing, skiing with stops only for water and a snack!  We will warm up and get organized from 3:45 to 4 and start all together at 4 pm.

  • I need a couple of parents dressed warmly to help with the lap counting and snack table! Please email me ( if you can help!
  • Each child should bring a water bottle LABELLED  with their name so they can get a drink when they need to. They can put it in the snow by the card table and fence.
  • We open up a snack table about half way through the marathon.  This year, I’d like to limit it to pre-packaged granola or sports bars so that we don’t share germs. It would be great if some parents would donate some boxes of bars for the snack table. Thanks!

Thursday 2/17: Classic

Right now the weather is forecasted to be 50 degrees F and raining. The Range sometimes closes on days like this, so be sure to check the website before you leave!  If we ski, wear a raincoat and if you have waxable skis, get ready to put on some klister!

  • We need some parents to help with Jack Rabbits 2- Peter Vile’s group- today. Email Rosemary ( if you can help!
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