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BKL Practice 3/10-3/15

The snow is starting to melt and this is our last official week of BKL Practice, but we will still tentatively have UVM Fun Day on Tuesday the 17th (as long as the snow holds out)!  For those that don’t know, UVM Fun Day is when the UVM Cross-Country Team (those that can make it) come to our practice and play some fun games and build some fun challenges for us. It’s always lots of fun, so mark your calendar: 3/17!

**Check the website for updates before you come to practice this week in case the Range closes due to warm temperatures. 

Tuesday 3/10- Penguins Classic, Everyone else Skate

We will most likely go for a long tour where ever we can and then play some games today.

Penguins will have their last day celebration.

Thursday 3/12- Skate & Awards Day

We will play games on skis and then go in to do our awards at 4:45 and finish with a party.

Everyone bring snacks for the party!

Parents: We need some water for  hot cocoa (thanks to Nancy Davis for cups and cocoa mix) and a few parents to help organize and monitor the food table. Here’s a sign-up: BKL Awards Party Sign-up

RACERS: Ski Tour Saturday 3/ 14 at Trapps-CANCELLED

Conditions at Trapps are not looking good, no one has emailed me and I need to boil my sap!  BUT, if you are looking to ski, I would go to Craftsbury- they are posting that they still have good coverage and they always do a good job grooming.

RACERS: A Few Late Season Race Options:

3/21: Craftsbury Spring Fling

There is a 3-4 km BKL race. No age groups, just everyone all together. Registration on SKIREG.

3/22: NE Club Relay Championship Race

MNC’s NE Club Relay is on Sunday 3/22 and there is a BKL division! Each skier skis 5 km. This is a little long for many kids but lots of our MNC racers can swing it! Four person teams register, two skate and two classic.  Find some friends and make a team. If you are looking for team-mates, email Coach Rosemary.  Registration & Details on SKIREG.

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BKL Practice 3/3- 3/5

Tuesday 3/3- Everyone Classic! BKL Relay Day!

With highs in the 40’s today it’s going to be a klister classic day! Those who need wax should meet inside to get some klister. Please scrape any kick wax off your skis before you come today to be ready for klister application.

After we do a little warm-up and get outside, we’ll all join together and do some mixed age relays with the whole group! Should be fun!

Thursday 3/5: SKATE & Agility Day!

Get ready for some fun agility challenges and games!

Racers: Off this weekend

After the BKL Fest everyone needs a little break and rest!  Coming up:

Saturday March 14:  One last weekend racer practice:  A ski to the Cabin at the Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe! It would be great to get all the racers together for this! Arrive at 9:30 AM, on skis by 10. Racers buy their own tickets. If you have a season pass at another touring center, Trapps will do a reciprocal day pass.

There is one more BKL race in our area:  The Craftsbury Spring Fling on March 21. It’s a 4km skate for all ages. Let Coach Rosemary know if you are interested in going.

BKL Practice 2/18- 2/23

It’s Skiathlon Practice Week!

We’ll be practicing our ski changes all this week in preparation for this Saturday’s MNC SKIATHLON at Sleepy Hollow in Huntington!  ALL BKL kids can do this race (not just Racers) and we hope they do! There is even a Lollipop race for the Penguins!  This race raises money for our scholarship fund so come out and support it!


Penguins: Classic

Jack Rabbits Grades 1&2: Bring Skate Skis

Jack Rabbits Grades 3 &4: Bring Classic & Skate equipment

  • No classic waxing today, we’ll practice our Skiathlon transitions and then SKATE ski for the rest of practice

Arctic Foxes & Racers:  Bring Classic & Skate equipment

No classic waxing today, we’ll practice our Skiathlon transitions & then SKATE ski for the rest of practice.


JR, AF & Racers: Bring Classic & Skate equipment

We will Classic wax today. We’ll practice Skiathlon transitions & then CLASSIC ski for the rest of practice.

Saturday: MNC SKIATHLON- Everyone can race!

2/21 WAX RECOMENDATION: CLASSIC Skis: Clean all old kick wax from kick zone.  Tips & Tails & Skate Skis:  Hot wax with TOKO NF or Base Red or SWIX CH7 (or other non-fluro similar temp wax).   

At: Sleepy Hollow Inn & Ski Center, 427 Ski Lodge Dr., Huntington, VT

The BKL races are in the afternoon. Coach Rosemary and other coaches will be there to classic wax and help kids warm up.

Arrival: By Noon. Registration closes at 12:30.  When you get there:

1) Get Waxable Classic Skis to Coaches: Look for the MNC Banner and wax tables (by the Round Barn)

2) Register:  Go to registration in the Round Barn and get your bib. Put it on and put on your skis boots.

3) Preview the Course:  Get your skate skis and go back to the coaches who will be taking kids out on the course for previews. We’ll also check out the transition zone.

4) Before your Race: Ski around to warm up for about 10-20 min. Just before your grade level race, be sure to put your skate skis (& poles) in the transition zone (people will be there to help).

Questions?  Email Rosemary

We’ll be there to help!


Registration & Schedule


BKL Practice 2/11 – 2/15/2020

Tuesday, 2/11:  Classic

With all this new snow, it’s going to be a great day on skis today! Waxing could be tricky (warm temps) so be sure to send any child with waxable skis into the Walker Building to find out what we are using today.

Thursday, 2/13: Skate Mini-Marathon!

In our mini-marathon, kids see how many laps (or k’s) they can ski in a practice. We will all start together (on skis by 4 pm)* and kids will keep track of their loops. We set up a food table of snacks & drinks to help kids keep the energy up. This event is always a lot of fun!

Parents– send snacks to share and a NAME-LABLED full water bottle that your child can leave outside by the snack table to drink from when they ski by.

*If you usually arrive late, consider picking up early from school today so all the kids can start together.

*We need two parents to monitor the snack table and help kids write down their laps. Email Coach Rosemary if you can help!

Saturday or Sunday: No practice this weekend.

No races this weekend and Coach Rosemary is out of town and the other Racer coaches are busy.  This is a good weekend to get in some distance. The skiing is great everywhere, so take your kids to Sleepy Hollow, Catamount, Trapps, Craftsbury or Rikert or out in the backcountry and go for a nice long family ski!

BKL Parents- We need your help Feb. 22!

Hi BKL Parents!   Our MNC Skiathlon race is coming up on Feb. 22nd.  This race raises money for our scholarship fund and will be held at Sleepy Hollow Inn & Touring Center in Huntington. BKL has been given the task of running a small concession stand for lunch.  We really need one person to organize the concession (make a sign-up genius, be there to set it up), a few more volunteers to help run it and lots of people to donate crockpots of chili, cornbread and homemade snacks.  If you can help, please email Lisanne Hegman at

Thanks so much!!

-Coach Rosemary

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