The snow is starting to melt and this is our last official week of BKL Practice, but we will still tentatively have UVM Fun Day on Tuesday the 17th (as long as the snow holds out)! For those that don’t know, UVM Fun Day is when the UVM Cross-Country Team (those that can make it) come to our practice and play some fun games and build some fun challenges for us. It’s always lots of fun, so mark your calendar: 3/17!
**Check the website for updates before you come to practice this week in case the Range closes due to warm temperatures.
Tuesday 3/10- Penguins Classic, Everyone else Skate
We will most likely go for a long tour where ever we can and then play some games today.
Penguins will have their last day celebration.
Thursday 3/12- Skate & Awards Day
We will play games on skis and then go in to do our awards at 4:45 and finish with a party.
Everyone bring snacks for the party!
Parents: We need some water for hot cocoa (thanks to Nancy Davis for cups and cocoa mix) and a few parents to help organize and monitor the food table. Here’s a sign-up: BKL Awards Party Sign-up
RACERS: Ski Tour Saturday 3/ 14 at Trapps-CANCELLED
Conditions at Trapps are not looking good, no one has emailed me and I need to boil my sap! BUT, if you are looking to ski, I would go to Craftsbury- they are posting that they still have good coverage and they always do a good job grooming.
RACERS: A Few Late Season Race Options:
3/21: Craftsbury Spring Fling
There is a 3-4 km BKL race. No age groups, just everyone all together. Registration on SKIREG.
3/22: NE Club Relay Championship Race
MNC’s NE Club Relay is on Sunday 3/22 and there is a BKL division! Each skier skis 5 km. This is a little long for many kids but lots of our MNC racers can swing it! Four person teams register, two skate and two classic. Find some friends and make a team. If you are looking for team-mates, email Coach Rosemary. Registration & Details on SKIREG.
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