Tuesday 1/22: Classic for Everyone
It’s going to be a perfect classic day- cold with lots of powder! Get ready for some fun touring and downhills! If the trail to the alpine hill is groomed, Arctic Foxes and Racers will head there for some downhill practice in the powder.
It looks like the high will be about 11F, so bundle up. I am looking for a parent to monitor the Walker Building so we can send kids inside to warm up. If you can help, email Coach Rosemary.
Wax will be Toko Blue or Swix Green or Blue.
Thursday 1/24: Skate
Hopefully the groomers at the Range will be able to pack out the fields by today and we’ll be able to play some games. Arctic Foxes and Racers may play a game of Stones!
Older Racers skiing up with the Juniors should check the Junior Training Doc to confirm technique for today.
Sunday, 1/ 27: Mt. Top Paintball Race
Racers and anyone who wants to race! This race at the Mt. Top Touring Center is always a blast. See the Event Listing for all the details. Coach Rosemary will be on hand to help kids warm up and get oriented. Registration on Ski Reg is open through Friday. Email Coach Rosemary if your child is going.