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BKL Training Week of 12/11

Snow Leopards, Jackrabbits  (2-3 Day) & Penguins

There is snow in the forecast! Check out the National Weather Service Forecast for Jericho. We are hoping to get on snow this week!

Tuesday: It’s supposed to snow much of the day. Travel could be unsafe. We will have coaches at the Range unless we post otherwise, so check the website before you leave to be sure nothing has changed! Regardless, it is always up to you to decide whether or not travel from your area to the Range is safe enough for you to make the trip.

We will plan to ski, SKATE technique (Penguins: classic). Bring Skate equipment, but also bring running shoes, just in case! If you have old skis or “rock” skis, you might want to bring those.

Thursday: Definite plan is to ski, SKATE technique! It will be cold, so bundle your kids. We need some parents to stay inside and help & monitor kids that coaches send in to warm up.  Please e-mail me at if you can help out!

Saturday:  Classic technique, long easy distance ski at Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe. They got over a foot of snow! Should be great! Meet at 9:30 to get waxed and ready, on snow by 10:00.

Friday Foxes

Thanks to all the parents who turned out for our meeting this past Friday!

Friday Dec. 15- Those who haven’t picked up their rentals should come. We will size the kids and you can take home your rental gear.

Range has snow! Friday Foxes will ski on Friday, Dec. 15th!!

BKL Training Week of 12/04

Snow Leopards, Jackrabbits  (2-3 Day) & Penguins

Tuesday 12/05

BKL Wax Clinic, Pole Adjusting & Equipment Check! Dave Boucher from Toko will give us a demo and then help older kids practice hot waxing their skis. Bring your own hot wax, scraper and brush if you have them so more people can wax at the same time. Younger kids (& older kids) will learn & practice kick waxing. We will also get outside for some running activities so wear your running sneakers!

Thursday 12/07

Wear your running sneakers and get ready for more dryland activities!

3-Day Skiers: Saturday 12/09:  Craftsbury, 10 -11:30 AM. Classic. Meet me in the wax room with your skis.

Friday Foxes

Present plan is to start Dec. 15.  Watch this blog for updates.

Label Your Equipment Reminder!

Every year someone emails me in the early season because their child went home with somebody else’s poles. This year, I am encouraging everyone to LABEL ALL EQUIPMENT before we get on snow. Here are some great labelling ideas:

-Use permanent marker or a white paint marker if equipment is black.

-If your equipment is rented, apply a piece of painter’s tape and write on that.

-If you have multiple kids, use a different color duct tape for each kid so it’s easy to recognize whose is whose.

-Label skate equipment with “SKATE” and classic equipment with “CLASSIC” so it’s easy to tell which is which.

-Label makers are great. So are address labels covered with a piece of clear packaging tape!


BKL Program Starts Tuesday, Nov. 28th!

Snow Leopards, Jackrabbits  (2-3 Day) & Penguins

Tuesday:  We will meet inside the Walker Building at the Range to get started. Most likely we will be on foot (wear your sneakers) and we will do some dryland ski drills and play lots of games. Dress in layers and bring a full water bottle.

Thursday: Wear your sneakers again and bring shorter classic poles that you can run with (the poles you used last year or the year before are probably about right). We’ll do some bounding and running with poles and play more games! Parents will attend the parent meeting which starts at 4:45 and we will all go until 5:30 on this day.

3-day Program Skiers:  Tentative Plan:  Saturday at Craftsbury, 10-11:30 on snow. Skate technique.

Friday Foxes

Present plans are to start Dec. 15.  Watch this blogs for updates.

Order your BKL NENSA SWIX Apparel by Nov. 12!

NENSA and long-time sponsor, Swix, are teaming up to offer the BKL SWIX Jacket program again this year! This program is a benefit for NENSA Clubs, such as MNC.   Click here: NENSA SWIX Jacket Program to see what you can get this year and for more info.
How to Order:  All orders are through your club, so e-mail  Coach Rosemary
with: your name, telephone number, e-mail, your child(ren)’s name, the item name, size, color and price. Then send a check for the full amount made out to Rosemary Shea-Cobb, 22 Brookside Rd, Westford, VT 05494.
All orders are due to Rosemary by Sunday, Nov. 12.  Orders should be in just before Christmas, although last year, some things got delayed. The store will be open again for a later order between Dec. 15 and Jan. 15.

Hunger Mt. Hike

Ten adventurous BKL kids plus five parents took advantage of a day off from school to hike Mt. Hunger on Friday. What a gorgeous day it was! The group got quite strung out on the uphill climb due to a variety of hiking paces but everyone made it to the top where the views were awesome in all directions. It was so clear that we could see the White Mountains to the east and the Adirondacks to the west.  A fierce wind was blowing down the ridgeline so we had to find a sheltered spot to eat our lunch. Carly’s mom, Carolyn, treated us all to gingerbread and whipped cream that she packed up the mountain in honor of her birthday. Happy Birthday Carolyn and great work hiking to all the kids and parents!

Next week’s hike is on Sunday, Oct. 29. We’ll be hiking Mt. Mansfield!

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