- Tuesday = “Juergen’s Bounding Workout” at UVM Research Forest (127 Tarbox Road Jericho). 4-6pm with classic poles.
- Thursday = Classic roll with short intervals, speed, and strength. 4-6pm at the Range.
- Friday = bonus Skate rollerski with technique and Specific Strength. 4-5:30pm at Round Church, Richmond.
- Saturday = optional non-organized workout Burlington Invitation 5km race. 9:00am at BHS.
- Sunday = Classic roll with technique and Specific Strength 9-11am at Mud Pond.
Tentative Plan for 9/16 – 9/20:
- Tuesday 9/17 = Classic roll with speed at the Range, 4-6pm.
- Thursday 9/19 = Skate with speed at the Range, 4-6pm.
- Friday 9/20 bonus = Run + striders 4:00-5:30pm at On The Rise (Richmond).
- Saturday 9/21 = Bolton Uphill running time-trial.
- Sunday 9/22 = Classic rolleski with technique and Specific Strength, 9-11am at Mud Pond.