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Rollerski Relays: Tuesday 7/16

Mansfield Nordic Club rollerski relays

When: Tuesday July 16th 2013
What: Classical rollerski relays
Where: Camp Ethan Allen Training Site (“The Range” in Jericho, VT)

This fun event will take place on the newly re-paved rollerski trails at The Range in Jericho, VT. Mixed teams of 3 skiers will ski a “medley relay” with varying distances for each leg, between 2km and 8km. Teams will be chosen at random and can complete the legs in any order! And to make things more confusing, teams will have to complete certain physical- and mental-challenges before crossing the finish line.

There is no cost to participate in this event, however all competitors must have valid NENSA licenses. Please register online by Monday 7/15 at 5:00pm. Check-in and warmup begin at 8:30am and the event starts at 9:30am.

Below is a picture of Jake Hollenbach leading Sam Longenbach on their bike ride this morning. It was a great day for the athletes as they had a 1:1 ratio to coaches!

Jake and Sam rode approx 28 miles this morning!

Jake and Sam rode approx 28 miles this morning!

Training Week #2

FYI- the Range is scheduled to re-pave this week and to have it completed around July 4th.
  • Monday, 8:00– ~10:00 at Mud Pond (off out South Road in Williston).
    • Road bike
    • Jake Hollenbach will lead the more experienced riders ~25-30 miles (1:30-2:00).
    • Tim will lead the less experienced riders ~15-20 miles (1:00-1:30).


  • Tuesday, 8:30-10:30 at MMUHS
    • Skate rollerski with specific strength, running, and games.


  • Thursday, 8:30-10:30 at Browns River Middle School
    • Classic rollerski with specific strength, running, and games.


  • Friday, 8:30-10:00 at On the Rise Bakery (Richmond)
    • Running with short sprints and games


  • Saturday at Bolton
    • Option A: 9:30-11:30 at Bolton Mountain ski area. Hiking and moderate intensity intervals with classic ski poles.
    • Option B: 8:30-11:30am. Classic rollerski up Bolton access road, followed by hiking and intervals up Bolton Mountain with classic ski poles.

Monday 8:00 at Mud Pond (road bike)

We’ll have our first road bike ride of the summer tomorrow morning at Mud Pond starting at 8:00am. Bring running shoes as a backup in case it is a total deluge. There’ll be 2 options for rides:

  • Experienced riders: ~25-30 mile ride with Jake Hollenbach (1:30-2:00 total).
  • Intermediate riders: ~15-20 mile ride with Tim Weston (1:00-1:30 total).

Everyone should bring their own food/water in addition to basic tools such as spare tubes, pumps, CO2, etc.

Please note that we are riding road bikes and anyone on a mountain bike will not be able to keep up with the group! Once the trails dry out, we will have the opportunity to mountain bike!

Saturday training switched to SUNDAY

Due to extenuating circumstances, we will hike Camel’s Hump on Sunday rather than Saturday. We will begin hiking at 9:00am.

It looks like Sunday will be hot and sunny so don’t forget your water and some snacks!

We will start from the Duxbury side. If you need info on how to get there, please follow the link:

Thursday @ MMUHS

***Updated as of Tuesday 6/18: Training on Thursday at MMUHS again***

Training this week:

Thursday, 8:30-10:30 at MMUHS. Classic rollerskiing, running, strength.
Friday, 8:30-10:00 at Colchester HS. Running, legspeeds, and games.
Saturday, 9:00- noon-ish. Camel’s Hump hike from the Duxbury side.

What to bring?

positive attitude and work ethic!
appropriate clothing for the activity and weather
water bottle carrier (and food if necessary)
appropriate gear for the activity
helmets are MANDATORY for all rolling activites. No helmet = no training

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