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Lost Nation Roll Day

I’m titling this post “Lost Nation Roll Day” and not just “Lost Nation Roll” because I think the whole string of events that took place really says more than just the race itself. On the surface this was a 5/10km skate rollerski race at the Craftsbury rollerski loop. However, if you didn’t already realize it, I get very excited for “events” and opportunities for a chunk of our club to all be together.

So was it “extra” to bring the radio vests? Definitely.

Did I need to have the tent, the food table, folding chairs, spare skis and poles, a football, and more? Not really.

But the goal wasn’t just to be showing up and racing…the goal was to create an experience. The MNC tent was set up in the middle of the field and it became the hub for not just our crew, but a lot of others just stopping by or looking to check-in. Skiers hung out, tossed the football around, sharpened their pole tips, and consumed a lot of juice boxes and Sour Patch watermelons.

Rye preparing for a long toss

The race was still the focal point of the day, and everyone got after it with good attitudes and solid efforts. I was particularly impressed with the technique on display, as we showed that our club is right there in terms of our goals for how we want our skiing to LOOK. With the summer not even over, we still have lots of time to work on how we want our skiing and effort levels to FEEL, as uphill skating and aggressive, fast tempo is a goal.

There’s a bluegrass band called The Devil Makes Three and they have a live album called “A Little Bit Faster and a Little Bit Worse” which is

a great description of what most concerts: a band playing their songs faster and with more energy, but not necessarily as polished as the studio recorded version.

Right now I think our MNC Juniors have a great studio album, but when we go “on tour” this winter we can work on ramping up our live show. I’m perfectly ok with us skiing a little bit worse (technically) but a little bit faster (literally)!

Astrid and Ollie finished their 5k and then stayed all the way through the whole 10k to cheer!

A shoutout to Astrid for taking the win in the 5k women’s race, and 3rd overall! Astrid had spent the past few days prior to the race up at Craftsbury for the NENSA RDG (Regional Development Group) camp, and got to pick up a lot of new pointers from different coaches and fellow skiers. She was attacking that course the whole time! Some of our skiers have done this race many times before, and others were experiencing their first rollerski race or even their first 10km effort. With pro skiers, college skiers, and Juniors all racing together it was a great display of New England ski culture.

After the races there was much swimming. In fact, most of the podiums were initially empty because everyone was down at the lake! The upper field reverted back to a big quiet patch of grass, and cars filtered out of the parking lot.

For many, the day was over and it was time to relax for the rest of the hot and hazy Sunday afternoon…

…but not for all! If you’re a longtime MNC fan you know that motivation is often one of our strongest traits. We still had lots to accomplish in the afternoon, as multiple skiers got in some strength training at the MNCC in Richmond/Jonesville. Not only that, U18 skier Seven Bowen was unable to make it to the race in the morning, but we organized to meet in the Williston neighborhoods in the afternoon so she could do a solo timetrial. Dedication, anyone?

So, with a tasty lunch from *that* gas station in Morrisville (you know the one, and you know you’ve stopped there before or after many a Craftsbury ski day!) it was off to the MNCC for strength session #1, then off to Williston to ride alongside and have Seven complete her timetrial with coach filming and yelling alongside from the bike, then right back to the MNCC for strength session with group #2! And I wouldn’t have it any other way…how can you not feel the excitement of a classic summer day of hanging out, racing, training, and more?

Seven competes in the one-racer-Southridge-TT


4th of July Parade

Big crowds!

For years now we have rollerskied in the Williston parade for Independence Day, complete with “snow” (leftover ice rink snow gathered in the morning from Gutterson and Cairns hockey arenas) and candy to appease the excited crowd. This year was no different, and with bright sunny skies and a road full of onlookers it was great to display our club to the masses.

I do have to say, it was a little underwhelming to have only 7 Juniors and 1 BKL participant. We have so many great and enthusiastic club members, and we hope that in the future more will come out to this event! It is a great way to represent the club, grow awareness of skiing in general, and have a good time. As alluded-to in the Eblast and other postings, skiing isn’t even required…we’re happy to have walkers or bike riders!

Maybe we need to rethink our communication channels, especially in the summer when skiing isn’t front-of-mind. A lot goes into this event, from organizing the float/vehicle system to an early morning of snow shoveling, so a signup form and a minimum participation number may be in our future.

Again, this is a really cool thing that we are able to do, and it’s an easy date to remember for next year 🙂

Bella with a sampling of snow!

Off and rolling

Skiing straight to creemees after!




Join the MNC Race to the Top Team!

The 2023 MNC Race to the Top Team!

Race to the Top: a 4.3 mi. bike or run race up the toll road to the top of Mt. Mansfield! Benefits the Catamount Trail Association that manages the Catamount Trail, the backcountry ski trail that runs the length of Vermont.

Date: Sunday, Aug. 25th.

Consider joining the MNC Team: It will cost $60 to register as a team member and it costs more now to register as an individual. Plus, it’s a whole lot more fun to be a part of our team!  All ages welcome!  To join the the team, email Jim Adkisson by JULY 22 at

Jim will do the team registration. Then you will get an email from Outside/Runreg to finish the registration process and you will reimburse Jim for $60.

For more info on Race to the Top, check out the registration page: RACE TO THE TOP

Join MNC at the Williston Parade! Rollerski, walk, or bike!

If you are a rollerskier of ANY AGE please join us in Williston on the 4th of July to rollerski in the parade!

Oh, and if you don’t want to rollerski but still want to join in the fun…you can certainly walk or ride your bike with us as well!

This is a super fun event…why?

  • We get to show rollerskiing to the whole town
  • We see lots of fun other floats and celebratory groups
  • Music, games, friends, and family

But most of all…

We get SNOW! That’s right, early in the morning we secretly acquire some magical snow and distribute it to the parade-watchers from our rollerskis! It’s a big hit every year, and a totally cool (literally) experience.

The route is about 1 mile and almost totally flat, and we ski at about 1 mph. It’s great for everyone!

The logstics:

  • Meet at 9:30 at the Johnson Farm on Rt 2 in Williston…this is the field just past the Korner Kwik Stop if you’re heading toward Richmond.
  • Wear a hi-viz MNC shirt if you can! We will have extras on-hand.
  • Bring your rollerskis, bike for riding, or shoes for walking, and also gloves as the snow gets cold!

We can go for an actual rollerski in the neighborhoods after, for those Juniors who join us and want to get in some training after-the-fact.


Summer week ONE

The first week of summer training is in the books! It was a busy one with a lot of sessions offered, and all sorts of activities. For many of our older skiers it was a pretty big volume week, one of the first such weeks of the training year.

I’m totally impressed with the efforts put forth to capture a great deal of training in a summer week…a group of rising and graduated seniors managed to complete a 3-hour point-to-point run on Wednesday, double pole repeats on Thursday, bike rides on Friday, L3 running miles on Saturday, and an adventurous 3+ hour ski from the MNCC all the way up to the top of App Gap on Sunday. Don’t forget strength sessions, big team sessions like the first day of practice on Tuesday, and individual responsibilities, and you have a great accomplishment.

Cruising through Huntington en route to App Gap

Not everybody in this club was out training for 16+ hours this week, and that’s totally fine! We had a handful of skiers complete their first-ever laps of Sprint Loop at the Range on Tuesday, which is not an insignificant milestone to cross. Improvement comes in all sorts of ways. We ended our first practice session with a big tug-of-war match and got some of the MNC University kids involved too…you’ll have to place your bets on who won.

Another “bonus” option this week involved a great use of the new club space at the MNCC. Sharon Henry and Coach Sara combined their PT skills to have a group of athletes take part in some movement screenings. These were really useful in a number of ways:

  • Individual athletes got analyzed for movement patterns and received good recommendations
  • Trends and patterns for skiers in general were analyzed by experienced practitioners such as Sharon
  • Coaches got to take note of movements and areas to incorporate into our strength training!

So, even if an athlete did not sign up to get a screening done, chances are they will still benefit and be involving themselves in a number of the prescribed exercises and movements going forward. Thank you to Sharon for coming to the MNCC to help us learn!

Top o’ the Gap!


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