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Range Closed For Season/Bonus Skiing Days

The winter started out slowly but finished with some of the best skiing in years. The ski trails at the range are closed for the spring but we may have some other ski outings lead by club members or coaches. (if you have a trip you want to lead or have others join you contact Rick or Tim and have it emailed to the club or posted on the blog)

Like this one – Tuesday April 1st.

Spring Ski Tour, Fun on Snow and possible HOT Sugar on snow too! 
Where:   Cochran’s Ski Area alpine trails and backcountry.
When:   Meet at the Cochran’s Ski Area parking lot area at 3:30
What:   Ski tour with Pennie up into the Slope Side Syrup Cochran Family Sugarbush and onto the ridge.
Have fun playing around on the alpine trails, go off the jumps, ski to the top, run through some gates!
Tour will be about 1 1/2 hour long.
Bonus:   If we are lucky, the Slope Side Sugarhouse will be boiling and we can sneak in for a sip of the best tasting syrup around, right from the slopes where we have been skiing.
All ages welcome.  Plenty of skiing for all.  If you plan to venture off the alpine trails with Pennie you will want your touring gear….doesn’t have to be fancy, but you will want a bit more than your skinny racing skis.
Bring snacks and water.
RSVP to Pennie please. or 434-6047



Masters and BK This Week

Spring is here…. I don’t think so! Right now over the entire Northeast, we have some of THE BEST ski conditions we have seen in years. Take advantage of this opportunity enjoy skiing even though you may now be changing your focus to running or biking.

Our lease agreement with the National Guard carries us through the end of March so this is our last week of skiing at the range.  Although trail grooming has officially ended there is a chance that some of the Guard biathlon team may do some grooming.  If we get any new formation we will post it on the blog.

  • For now Masters can plan on skiing (any technique) on both Tuesday and Thursday at 6 pm.
  • BK will be at Bolton on Tuesday at 3:45 and early masters skiers are welcome to join us there.  Please email Rick if you are going to be there and bring $6 per head to cover the trail passes.
  • There will be no 3:30 Masters at the range on Tuesday.
  • More detail on the Tuesday BK practice is in the previous blog posting.

Thursday we will a offer 6 pm Masters as usual – grooming is still a question mark at this time.  This will also be the last EABC biathlon practice for the season.

Here are a sample of pics from Masters and BK skiing last week.  Look for a pics from the NYSEF Nordic Kids Festival tomorrow.


Masters skiing “the other side” of the road


Masters enjoying a post ski outing to the Jericho Cafe and TavernIMG_1969 IMG_1967 IMG_1966


Perfect conditions for Jumping!

The Range is home to an old alpine slope that is unused nowadays. Dan Westover of the National Guard was kind enough to groom across the road and and nice GS-style run down the slope for us to use yesterday. Some of us built jumps in the non-groomed areas since the powder landing was deep and soft. THe BKL’ers, Juniors and many parents got to watch as the athletes took flight. Pretty cool.

The fun continues tomorrow (Thurs) when we join the BKL, Juniors and UVM ski team for some fun relays and perhaps some more jumping!

Ethan John -- donning the new Vermont Team jacket from EHSC's -- puts the finishing touches on a jump that we're saving for Thursday

Ethan John — donning the new Vermont Team jacket from EHSC’s — puts the finishing touches on a jump that we’re saving for Thursday

Amy Bruce was having fun (even though she looks a bit terrified here)

Amy Bruce was having fun (even though she looks a bit terrified here)

one of the BKL skiers doing a 360*

one of the BKL skiers doing a 360*

Tim Cobb testing snow depth

Tim Cobb testing snow depth

Young Miss Haydock getting over the jump in her own manner

Young Miss Haydock getting over the jump in her own manner

Bill Harmeyer jumping the mountain

Bill Harmeyer jumping the mountain

Amy Bruce

Amy Bruce

Bill Harmeyer overhead

Bill Harmeyer overhead

Henry Harmeyer

Henry Harmeyer

Charlie "Birdman" Cobb

Charlie “Birdman” Cobb

Kai Richter is psyched to build jumps on a beautiful day!

Kai Richter is psyched to build jumps on a beautiful day!

Dakota leading the charge. Perfect corduroy thanks to the National Guard groomer Dan Westover

Dakota leading the charge. Perfect corduroy thanks to the National Guard groomer Dan Westover

Connor Munns going BIG

Connor Munns going BIG. Look at his shadow!! Nice soft landing, too 🙂

Some of the athletes and parents making their way up

Some of the athletes and parents making their way up



Tuesday 3/18

BK skiers will join up with the JRS for some slalom and jumping fun on the “alpine hill”.  We could use the help of some parents with shovels to help us build a small jump. Please bring SKATE SKIS.

MASTERS – Let’s finish off our last week at the range with a SKIERS CHOICE OF TECHNIQUE for both days.  Enjoy the incredible conditions.

Thursday 3/20

BK will once again join the JRS and….THE UVM NORDIC TEAM!!! We ask Parents to being snacks and drinks for the kids to share with the UVM skiers after practice.  We will start at the usual time but meet up with the UVM skiers at 4:15 and finish a little later than normal (around 5:15) before retuning to the Walker Building. SKATE SKIS

Masters – Once again – choose your technique and….Consider a brief “social stop” at one of our local establishments on he way home?

The Weekend

BK – the NYSEF Nordic Kids Festival in Lake Placid

Masters – If you are looking for a good race – try the Sugar Loaf Marathon in Maine

There is also excellent skiing throughout Vermont so make sure you get out and enjoy it!

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