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Masters Update


There will be no 3:30 Masters session on Thursday 2/27 or Tuesday 3/4 but the all are welcome to the 6 PM session.  There will be a classic race for all ages at Trapps on Tuesday 3/4 (Town Meeting Day) and we will have some coaches there to help if you decide to race.  Our BK practice for the day will be the race.

Citizen-Coach-BKL Race Poster

Other Upcoming Event of interest:

March 8th: Bretton Woods Marathon

Special note to coaches & teams!

The Bretton Woods Nordic Marathon features:

  • Low, $35 U23 entry fee
  • Cash prizes for the top five 42K men & women
    1st – $300
    2nd -$150
    3rd – $100
    4th – $75
    5th – $50
  • 42K winners also receive an overnight B&B stay at the Omni Mount Washington Resort!

Please share this info with racers you think may be interested!

Register NOW at




Results Round-up!!

Holy there are a lot of exciting events happening right now, above and beyond the Sochi Olympics. If you have photos from any of these events, please send them to me and I’ll try to get as many posted as I can in a timely fashion.


Amazing job from so many MNC athletes last week! Champion Autumn Eastman and podium Cally Braun in D1. CVU takes the top spot in both boys and girls relays. MMU girls a strong 2nd in relay. Essex coming in 3rd in the boys relay.


Last Thursday were the Freestyle races (relay & individual). D1 Boys: Ethan John (Essex) 6th individual, Charlie Maitland (CVU) 8th overall, Casey Silk (CVU) 11th, Ethan Thibault (Colchester) 12th, Charlie Cobb (MMU) 21st, Nigel Sarrazin (Colchester) 25th, Caleb Guziak (Colchester) 27th. D1 Girls: Autumn Eastman (CVU) 1st, Cally Braun (CVU) 3rd, Amy Bruce (MMU) 5th, Abby Grab (MMU) 8th, Molly Larson (MMU) 9th, Rachel Slimovitch (CVU) 10th, Tatum Braun (CVU) 11th, Chloe Lemmel-Hay (Essex) 14th, Summer Bishop (CVU) 16, Anna Franceschetti (CVU) 17th, Emily Halporn (MMU) 31st, Lucy Leith (Burlington) 40th, Katie Moino (Essex) 50th, Sarah Tallman (Essex) 51st.



Olivia Cuneo and Marika Massey-Bierman team up to win the Girls 7/8 relay! Kai Richter and Greg Burt team up to finish 5th in the Boys 7/8 relay. Tim Cobb and Conor Munns finish 11th.

Greg Burt also finishes 3rd overal in the individual skate race. Kai comes in 9th in a tight field, Conor 16th, Tim Cobb 20th, and Baxter Bishop 22nd out of nearly 70 racers!

Olivia Cuneo wins the girls skate race and Marika finishes 4th overall in a field of 66 competitiors.



MNC coaches, athletes and parents participated in the Derby. Coach Enman and Coach Hollenbach finish 2nd and 6th in the skate. Ben Hegman 11th, Bill Harmeyer 26th, Charlie Maitland the ironman 82nd, Coach Leigh Mallory 91st, Ben Longenbach 101, and Kort Logenbach 186th.

Bill Harmeyer went out for the classic portion as well — totaling 40km of racing on the day! As did Eli Enman (7th). Ed Hamilton finished 10th in the classic, Coach Hollenbach 13th, Eliza Thomas 58th and winning her age class, and also Karen Alence 68th and second in her category!



Nathanael Kuzio (Harwood / MNC / EABC) finished 3rd overall in the expert category (winning his age group) in the final biathlon race last Thursday. Eliza Thomas (SBHS / MNC) won the sport class for all women, and Ben Carnahan (CVU / MNC) won the sport category for his age group.

BK and Masters 2/25-3/6

Tuesday 2/25 – 3:30-5:00 at the Range.  Skate skis. For warmup BK Racing start with 2 x 1km no poles.  Jackrabbits Start with 1x 1km no poles.

Thursday 2/27 – 10:00 – 12:00 at Craftsbury to take advantage of school break.  Skate skis.  Bring a lunch too. We will have to purchase trail passes.

Weekend – Although we have no coaches available this weekend here are some great options.

March 1, 2014 Silver Fox Trot
March 1-3, 2014 NorAm Midget Championship
March 1, 2014 Biathlon Clinc at Strafford Nordic Center
March 2, 2014 March Madness Paintball Race

Tuesday 3/4 – Practice will be a BK Race held in conjunction with JR Nationals at Trapps.
Citizen-Coach-BKL Race Poster

Thursday 3/6 – Back at the range.  Technique TBD


Tuesday 2/25 – Classic ski at the range but bring skate gear too…. just incase.

Thursday 2/27 – Skate Skiing at the range.

Weekend – Here are a couple of options for weekend races.

March 1, 2014 Rangeley Loppet 2014

March 1, 2014 Silver Fox Trot

Tuesday 3/4 – Two Options;

1. Regular session at the range  Technique TBD.

2. Citizens Race at Trapps in conjunction with JR Nationals.  Coach Rick will be there for this one.  Please email Rick with a COUNT ME IN for the race at Trapps so we can plan accordingly.  Details: Citizen-Coach-BKL Race Poster




Vermont skiers had a strong showing in all classes at the 2014 BK Festival.  The sunny days and warm temperatures along with plenty of snow on the trails made for a truly festive atmosphere.  MNC skiers joined forces with the Frost Mountain team to post some excellent results while having a wonderful time.  Our Camp Captains Gary Richter and Lisa Aikins kept a fire going and built a throne of snow for the Bill Koch to sit in while he visited the team.


Thank you to all the parents that kicked in to make this a success.  A special Thanks to Matt Munns for hauling a ton of gear to Maine in his trailer making our setup much easier each morning.


MNC had several athletes with medal winning performances beginning with a super effort by Esther Cuneo and Ava Thurston that teamed up with FMN skier Phoebe Hussey to take  2nd place in the Grade 3-4 Girls Relay.  Shortly after that Camile Bolduc had a solid first leg before tagging Quincy Massey-Bierman and Ali Priganc.  Quincy hammered a sensational race to bring the team into 3rd place.


In the Boys Grade 7-8 Relay Kai Richter and Greg Burt narrowly missed getting on the podium with a an excellent 5th place finish. Then in the Girls Grade 7-8 race Olivia Cuneo simply skied away from the pack and tagged off to Marika Massey Bierman who skied a tremendous second leg to capture 1st place while the spectators cheered wildly.


On Sunday the freestyle races started out with some fast, crusty snow and Brady Morigeau skied into 3rd place in the 1 KM skate race at his first BK Festival! He was followed very closely by teammates Niko Cuneo (5th) and Carl Priganc (8th).

In the Girls Grade 1-2 race Julia Thurston skied a very strong race and finished in 3rd place.  Her older sister Ava Thurston followed that up with a Silver medal in the Grade 3-4 2 km race.

Aidan Bury narrowly missed the podium in the Grade 5-6 3 KM race with a 7th place and then Quincy Massey-Bierman once again skied a super race but fell just short of the podium with 5th place.

In the Grade 7-8 Boys Race the MNC crowd went wild cheering for Greg Burt as he hammered from start to finish to capture the bronze medal while teammate Kai Richter came very close with a 9th place finish. Olivia Cuneo completed her BK years with a double Gold by winning the Girls 7-8 4 KM race by 44 seconds while her long time friend and teammate Marika Massey-Bierman once again used her smooth, efficient ski technique narrowly missing the podium with a 4th place finish.

Here are the NWVT Results.  Complete Results and more photos are posted at and some more pics are on NENSA website. We will post more photos as they come in from the parents.

MNC/NWVT Results – Saturday 2/22

Grade 1-2  Mixed Relay

Place Name(s)

5 Virginia Cobb/Julia Thurston

19 Finley Barker/Lucy Badger


Grade 3-4 Boys Relay

Place Name(s)

3 Zach Wilkerson/Neil Guy


Grade 3-4 Girls Relay

Place Name(s)

2 Phoebe Hussey/Esther Cuneo/Ava Thurston

11 Marjorie Christner/Hattie Barker


Grade 5-6 Boys Relay

Place Name(s)

7 Aidan Burt/Carl Nelson/Jack Christner


Grade 5-6 Girls Relay

Place Name(s)

3 Camile Bolduc/Quincy Massey-Bierman/Ali Priganc


Grade 7-8 Boys Relay

Place Name(s)

2 Tom Hussey/Sam Hodges

5 Kai Richter/Greg Burt

11 Tim Cobb/Conor Munns

19 Jared Leonard/Cade Christner

20 Baxter Bishop/Eli Grossman

23 Jeff Goldman/Justin Schaaf


Grade 7-8 Girls Relay

Place Name(s)

1 Olivia Cuneo/Marika Massey-Bierman


MNC/NWVT Results – Sunday 2/23


Grade 1-2 Boys 1 KM Freestyle

Place Name

3 Brady Morigeau

5 Niko Cuneo

8 Carl Priganc



Grade 1-2 Girls and Boys 1 KM

Place Name

3 Julia Thurston

9 Virginia Cobb

18 Finely Barker

20 Lucy Badger


Grade 3-4 Boys 2 KM

Place Name

3 Neil Guy

12 Zach Wilkerson


Grade 3-4 Girls 2 KM

Place Name

2 Ava Thurston

4 Phoebe Hussey

5 Esther Cuneo

21 Hattie Barker


Grade 5-6 Boys 3 KM

Place Name

7 Aidan Burt

22 Jack Christner

24 Carl Nelson


Grade 5-6 Girls 3 KM

Place Name

5 Quincy Massey-Bierman

10 Malia Hodges

12 Camile Bolduc

13 Ali Priganc


Grade 7-8 Boys 4 KM

Place Name

3 Greg Burt

4 Sam Hodges

9 Kai Richter

15 Tom Hussey

16 Conor Munns

18 Cade Christner

20 Tim Cobb

22 Baxter Bishop

35 Eli Grossman

46 Jared Leonard

60 Jeff Goldman


Grade 7-8 Girls 4 KM

Place Name

1 Olivia Cuneo

4 Marika Massey-Bierman

Good Luck to HS and BKL’ers!!

It is a big week for the BKL and High School racers: Vermont STate High School Championships start today and again next Tuesday with relays and distance races both days (skate today, classic next week). And the BKL’ers have their Festival this weekend in Maine.

While I spend a lot of my winter at Eastern Cups, the BKL and HS athletes comprise a big portion of the Club, so I really want to wish them all GOOD LUCK and ski fast over the coming several days.


Results for BKL events will appear on

Results for HS Champs are usually difficult to track down. Local news websites (BFP or WCAX) may post partial results. The CVU Nordic Website is another place to check. If I get my hands on results I will post here.

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