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WED. JAN 29 @ 6PM
  • Waxing for the Craftsbury Marathon, instruction and “hands on”:  bring your skis, your tools, and wax you have.  Dave Boucher and Drew Gelinas  

BK and Masters Ski Practice Update 1/15/14

We are on for skiing at the range on Thursday!!!.  The grooming crew is currently out moving snow to cover bare spots and washouts. Lets keep the technique the same as planned for last thursday since many of the BK Racing Team and Masters will already have the klister on there skis. BK RACING AND MASTERS: CLASSIC,  JACKRABBITS: SKATING

  • There is a chance that our MNC BK race will be moved to a new location and possibly to Monday 1/20 instead of Sunday 1/19.  Our coaches and parent volunteers are working to find options for club activities while this warm spell lingers over the region. We will make an announcement later today.
  • Masters Ski at Craftsbury on Saturday – Join Rick for a group ski at 1:00 (13:00 for you military folks).  Start off with CLASSIC to get ready for the Craftsbury Marathon. Then switch to SKATE and finish up around 3PM. Please email me if you will be there.  If you don’t have a seasons pass you will need to purchase a trail pass for the day.
  • BK Racing at Craftsbury on Saturday – Join Coach Rick and Craftsbury Coach Zach for a group ski at 10 AM (tentative time). Please email me if you will be there.  I will get some more detail after conferring with Zach again.  Plan on skate skiing. If you don’t have a seasons pass you will need to purchase a trail pass for the day.
  • The MNC race suit order is in.  Lisa will bring them to the next practice.
  • The SKIDA hats and head bands are in.  Leigh will have them at the next practice and will order forms for for the remaining inventory.  If you can’t be there and want an order form contact Leigh at
  • FRIDAY 1/17 -MMU PURSUIT RACE – Middle School age forerunners/sweepers invited.  It looks like we would need to be there at 3:30.  If you are interested please email me and I will get you some more detail. We will need to ski together as a group and be fast enough to not interfere with the HS racers.  This is great opportunity to see one of the areas biggest HS races.
  • Please note: If have not paid MNC for the 2014 program please do so soon.  If you are not sure contact me and I will let you know if we have received your check – THANKS!


We just received notice from Major Sprano at the National Guard as of 9:10am:

The Biathlon trails survived the weekend’s crazy weather fairly well.  However, the rain and warm temperatures continue.  With the National Guard East Region Competition and NORAM being held next week, we are asking that everyone stay off the trails today and tomorrow so that we can maintain the base that we currently have. We will be reopening the trails on Thursday when the temperatures go back down.

At this point, it looks like Sleepy Hollow is the only ski area that is open. 


Juniors: as of right now we will attempt to ski at Sleepy Hollow, 4:00-5:30pm. Please bring running shoes as a backup.

BK and Masters this week

BK and Masters skiing will resume at the range this week at our normal schedule.  Hard to believe but enough snow survived to keep a 2 km loop open. Temps will remain above freezing for the next couple of days.  The course was groomed today but will not be touched again until temps drop and stay below freezing.

1/14 – TUESDAY 

Penguins and Jackrabbits – 3:30 – 5:00 skate ski.

BK Racing – Classic Skiing – Bring waxless if you have them. If not and you have klister apply SWIX KR70 or TOKO Red or SWIX Universal.  If you want to go one step further apply a thin layer of KR50 (violet) let cool and then apply the KR 70 over top. This can also be done with TOKO. Remember to keep they layers thin and make the kick zone a little shorter than with hard wax.  Nothing behind the heel. Coaches will have some klister at the Walker Building too.

TOKO VIDEO – applying Klister:

Masters – Classic too.  Waxless or Klister.  Coaches will help if you need it but don’t be afraid to try applying some before you arrive. See the video link above.


BK and Masters – Skate skiing

BK be prepared to practice taking skis on and off in preparation for our BK Duathlon race on Sunday.




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