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Practice update -1/7/14 12:55 PM

12:55 PM Dan is tilling and doing his best to loosen up the ice but there is skiing.  Overall conditions will be fast and icy so please use caution at all times especially on any down hills. Novices may have difficulty today please use your own judgement on your level of participation.

Recommendation – use old/rock skis.  For BK we still want kids to bring running shoes for some inside activities. Same goes for Masters – we will incorporate some core/balance/ski erg workouts into todays practice.

10:15 AM We are waiting for a groomers report to see if we can ski today and will post an update here as soon as possible.  At this point we suggest being prepared for both indoor and outdoor activities with or without skis.  Dress in layers, bring skate skis and running shoes along with a positive attitude and we will make the best of the situation.


Pics and Videos from Bogburn

Some photographs from the Bogburn race are posted at:

Here is a link to a short video clip of 5th grader Quincy Massey-Bierman.  Notice her quick DP start then the transition to kick and glide.  As she approaches the steeper climb watch how she shortens her stride and speeds up the tempo.  This is beautiful classic technique. Quincy480bogburn

Also on the Bogburn Facebook page there is fun video of skiing the downhills on the race course. Watch carefully to see MNC skiers Ben, Sam and Maddie Haydock.

BK and Masters 1/5 – 1/19

We were hoping to classic ski on Tuesday but the warm and wet conditions expected on Monday make skating a better choice.

1/7 and 1/9  – BK and Masters at the Range – skate

1/11 – Stowe Mini Marathon – Masters and BK welcome.  Not a race but a tour – pick your distance.  Info at Please email Rick if you’re going.

1/11 – Race to the Cabin- MASTERS – Coach Leigh Mallory will be there to help with waxing and words of wisdom.  Info at  Email Leigh if you are going:

1/12 – Frost Mtn BK race – info at We’d like to see as many MNC skiers as possible for this one.  Coaches will be there to support the team.  Tail-gating encouraged!!

1/14 – BK and Masters at the Range – tentative – Classic

1/16 – BK and Masters at the Range – tentative – Skate

1/19 – MNC Duathlon – info at We are adding in an open division of all ages so Masters are welcome too.  We also need volunteers.  ALL MNC BK should come to this one!!  If you would like to help out contact Christine Massey at



Grace with her race face on at the 2013 MNC BK Duathlon




Junior Nationals @ Stowe: Call for Volunteers

MNC Parents, athletes, friends:

The 2014 Junior National Championships take place virtually on our home courses this year (Trapp’s / Stowe). We’ve got a great opportunity to play a positive role in the success of this event which draws ~400-500 athletes from around the country (not to mention all the family members that come to spectate and for a taste of Vermont!). MNC Parent and Board Member Lisanne Hegman is the Volunteer Coordinator for the event and her message is below.

As a club we’ve had numerous All-Americans over the past few years and one recent Junior National Champion! This year we hope to have 4-8 local athletes qualify for the Championships event and I will attend as a coach for New England.

The success of the our sport — both in New England and across the country — depends on lots of hard work from parents and volunteers. That is one major reason why New England is so successful: lots of dedicated folks that love skiing. Please consider helping in any way possible. Thanks!



Hi ski enthusiasts!

I’m writing to ask for your help.  In approximately two months, the nations’ fastest junior skiers will descend upon Trapp Family Lodge for the Junior Nationals.  This event, to be held March 3-8, can only happen with the help of a lot of volunteers!

We need people for all kinds of things: bib collection, crowd control, keeping the timers well fed, parking, recording and much, much more.  No experience necessary; just a willingness to jump in and help out.  In support of our volunteers, Trapp Family Lodge will provide coffee, tea, morning pastries, and lunch in an onsite location and a day pass for the 13-14 ski season.

Signing up is easy.  Go to this site and fill out the online form where you can list your preferences and days:

Once you are signed up, I will contact you with more specific information about the actual event.

Many thanks in advance.  Hope to see you at the Junior Nationals!

Lisanne Hegman
Volunteer Coordinator for 2014 Junior Nationals

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