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BK and Masters This Week + Pics

BK and Masters – ON SNOW this week!

Tuesday 12/17 – Classic Skiing at the range

Thursday 12/19 – Skate Skiing at the Range

Saturday 12/21 – Extra ski for BK Racing Team ski at Craftsbury 10:30 – Noon – Skate skis.  Watch some of the Eastern Cup Sprints but mostly log some km’s and get used to skiing again plus some technique improvement activities.

Sunday 12/22 – BK and Masters races at Craftsbury.  Info at

COOL Pics from the past week:

Note Will Solo’s body position – Beautiful! Will was a BK skier last year and this photo was taken by is Dad Gary on Saturday at Rikert.

IMG_1798Masters skiers Chelsea and Jack do some typical core strength training with a medicine ball


An early season Team Photo of MNC BK skiers (about 1/2 of the team)


BK skiers working on building strong quads…


Ali, Sammi and Maura hamming it up!



Wax Recommendations For this Weekend

Here are some excellent waxing tips this weekend’s races. Prepared by Damian Bolduc. Please note that the races at Rikert are NO FLUORO.  Keep an eye on the forecast as new snow and colder temperatures could prevail.

St. Michael’s Time Trial at Sleepy Hollow 10AM, 10KM
Central VT Ski Coop Time Trial at Rikert 11AM, 5/10KM 
Beginner/Budget Option
Wax recommendations assuming you have the wax and tools available in the ToKo Training Wax Kit
Glide: ToKo Red mixed with ToKo Blue. 
ToKo Blue is a very difficult wax to work with due to its high melting point.  The temperatures and conditions this weekend are good for inexperienced waxers to learn how to work with it in a way that is safer for the ski base.  I do not recommend first time waxers start with Toko Blue, nor do I recommend it be the first wax applied to a ski. With that in mind I give the two following wax recommendations.  The first one ToKo Red Mixed with ToKo Blue for new skis and inexperienced waxers and the Second ToKo Grey warm scraped with an application of ToKo Blue for people with seasoned skis and more waxing experience.
Apply ToKo Red and iron in.  Once Red has been applied and before you scrape, drip ToKo Blue onto the Red.  1 drop every 2 inches on each side of the groove is good.  Do another pass with the iron to mix.  Let the ski cool completely, scrape and brush.
Conditions will be a mix of man-made snow and newly fallen snow as well as the chance for snow falling during the race.  In the days leading to the race temps will be warm, but will be dropping in the hours prior to the race.  Snow is likely to be falling at this time as well.  Falling snow temps will be in the low to mid teens at this time and the snow will be very abrasive. The race will consist of laps and with the expected field the man-made base will be mixed in as the race goes on. 
Blue will be the wax of the day based on temperature.
For more experienced waxers using seasoned skis (Waxed at least 5 times) an application of ToKo Grey and Toko Blue will work very well.  Apply the ToKo Grey to the base, warm scrape and immediately drip on the ToKo Blue with the base still warm.  One Drop every 2 inches each side of the groove.  Iron in with care not  to get the bases too hot.  You should be able to touch the bases.  Let the ski cool.  When it is time to scrape you will notice that the ToKo Blue wax on the ski is cracked and chipped.  When scraping, this will shatter off the ski and tear out of the bases.  To avoid this and improve the application of the wax, make one or two quick passes with the iron at temperature just prior to scraping the ski.  This will warm the wax on top of the ski a little and make it easier to scrape off.  The ski should be at room temp when scraping. 
The Grey will serve two purposes in this application.  Its properties will improve the ski in the man-made snow and it will serve as a base warming wax.  ToKo Blue is much easier to work on warm bases.  If the ski has some heat in it you will spend less time trying to smooth Toko Blue and it will adhere to the ski more easily.  Also warming the excess wax on top of the ski prior to scraping it off makes for a better application.  Be careful not to heat the base too much.  The ski should not feel warm with scraping off the ToKo Blue wax.

Saturday Race Info (Rikert); Sunday Junior Training


The Central VT Nordic Coop 5km/10km skate race is on Saturday at Rikert Ski Area (aka, Breadloaf) down in Ripton, VT. Rikert currently has approx 3km of manmade snow so it should be a great event. The estimated start time is around 12:00 noon. Due to limited snow and a local BKL practice from 10:30-12:00, we have to adjust and be a bit flexible as there is a LOT of demand for skiing with very little supply of snow. It looks like we will have an awesome turnout of athletes from around VT with some Burke Mtn Academy, GMVS, Frost Mtn Nordic, Woodstock and a lot of our MNC crew!

Tim will plan to arrive at Rikert by around 11:00am. If folks need help with a ride or carpooling, please email Tim no later than 5:00pm on Friday evening.


We ask that participants do NOT use Pure Floros or High Floros (HF) waxes. Please keep it simple with just basic paraffins or LF waxes. It is supposed to be very cold, so I suggest some sort of Green or Blue glide wax (Swix CH 4 or LF4, Toko LF Blue, or something similar for temps in the single-digit range).


We are tentatively planning to ski at Craftsbury from approx 10:00-12:00 noon on Sunday. Classic skiing.

Masters Update 12/12/13

The 6 PM Masters will ski the Notch Road instead of dry-land at the range.  Our report is that the skiing is good except for a wind blown section near the top.  We will meet on the Jeffersonville side at 6 pm.  We plan on skating but if you want to classic that’s ok too.  Let’s just enjoy some time on skis.

The 3:30 group will still be on foot at the range with Coach Christa.


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