If you are still looking for ski equipment please check the ski sale and swap page of this website and note that there two ski sales coming up. Friday night at Trapps from 6:45-8:00 and on Saturday and Sunday there is the Cambridge Rotary Ski Sale which is at the Jeffersonville school. 9:00-4:00 and Saturday and 10:00-2:00 on Sunday.
Archive | Masters Blog
Amazing Skate Technique
Per Eloffson from Sweden. He was one of the best in the world back approx 12 years ago.
Amazing skate technique – very fluid and efficient. No wasted motion, great balance, strong crunch, etc, etc!
Junior Photos and recap
First we’ll start with a video made by Bill Harmeyer:
BEGIN from Bill Harmeyer on Vimeo.
What an awesome week, once again! Training at the Range has been really positive for the entire group.Tuesday after the cold snowy weather we were forced to improvise a bounding / running and strength workout at the Range and we had a visit from Ethan Townsend the Head Nordic Coach at St Lawrence University.
On Thursday we took everybody around the “S turns” which is the farthest out loop. Everybody skied the hills 2-3 times and became more comfortable with the challenging terrain. Our fall and pre-season athletes are now familiar with all 5 loops (total of 5km) of pavement at the Range which will really make training fun next summer! On Thursday the everybody in the group skied at least 15km with some breaking the 20km mark — not too shabby for a school night!
Friday was a small group for our heart-rate zone analysis test that we do every few weeks: running specific paces on the track (low- to medium-intensity) and we monitor heart rates and hope to see them decrease over time. A chilly night but fun running with a near full moon.
Today we had a great crew of about 12 MNC athletes wake up early (and lots of parents, too — THANKS PARENTS!) to drive down to the Mad River Valley for the final fall event of the Central Vermont Coop Series — 5km and 10km rollerski time trials. It was GORGEOUS! The boys field was wicked competitive with 2 former junior national champs participating. Lots of fun, lots of parents and siblings spectating, and the Rand family made some incredible awards for all participants: delicious cinnamon buns.
Enjoy the pics!
The Ski Rack is hosting a SWIX ADVANCED WAX CLINIC with Drew Gelinas and Jim Galanes from 5:30 – 7 PM. Free and open to all.
Click on the link for more information Skirack Advanced Wax Clinic
There will be an MNC/TOKO Wax Clinic on Monday 11/18 4pm -7-pm in the Walker Building at the range. Dave Boucher will give a quick demo and we will have some benches set up for you to work on your own skis. Please bring your own wax (and tools if you have them).
Here are direct links to the Toko videos which have been really well
received (about 200,000 views thus far of an average of about 2 minutes
each) www.TokoVideos.com – this is the portal page to all of the videos (alpine/snowboard wax and tuning, nordic, and Care Line) www.TokoCareLineVideos.com – this is the video portal page to just the Care Line videos
Also www.TokoUS.com – general entry page for all things Toko US www.TokoCareLine.com – general entry page for all things Toko Care Line (US)