- option 1 Tuesday 11/5 = Bounding intervals at Sleepy Hollow, 4:00-5:45.
- option 2 Tuesday 11/5 = Classic rollerski at the Range, 4:00-5:45.
- Thursday 11/7 = Skate rollerski at the Range, 4-6pm.
- Friday 11/8 = bonus Greystone double-pole test at Round Church, 4:00-5:30. Headlamps, taillights, bright clothes & reflective vests.
- Sunday 11/10 = Skate rollerski at Mud Pond, 9:30-11:30am.
Followed by an INTENSITY week:
- Tuesday 11/12 = Skate rollerski at the Range, 4:00-6:00.
- Thursday 11/14 = Classic rollerski at the Range, 4:00-6:00.
- Friday 11/15 = bonus Games and running at Colchester HS, 4:00-5:30.
- Saturday 11/16 = bonus Skate rollerski time trial with GMVS in Waitsfield.
- Sunday 11/17 = Classic rollerski @ TBA.