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Junior Training 11/4 – 11/17

We have 2 training opportunities this coming Tuesday (11/5). Continuous bounding intervals at Sleepy Hollow or classic rollerskiing at the Range.
This coming week is a VOLUME week:

  • option 1 Tuesday 11/5 = Bounding intervals at Sleepy Hollow, 4:00-5:45.
  • option 2 Tuesday 11/5 = Classic rollerski at the Range, 4:00-5:45.
  • Thursday 11/7 = Skate rollerski at the Range, 4-6pm.
  • Friday 11/8 = bonus Greystone double-pole test at Round Church, 4:00-5:30. Headlamps, taillights, bright clothes & reflective vests.
  • Sunday 11/10 = Skate rollerski at Mud Pond, 9:30-11:30am.

Followed by an INTENSITY week:

  • Tuesday 11/12 = Skate rollerski at the Range, 4:00-6:00.
  • Thursday 11/14 = Classic rollerski at the Range, 4:00-6:00.
  • Friday 11/15 = bonus Games and running at Colchester HS, 4:00-5:30.
  • Saturday 11/16 = bonus Skate rollerski time trial with GMVS in Waitsfield.
  • Sunday 11/17 = Classic rollerski @ TBA.

Bill Demong rollerskiing with Matt Lauer

Check out 4 time Olympian Billy Demong (USA Nordic Combined) rollerskii with NBC’s Matt Lauer in New York City.  Billy comes from the little town of Vermontville just north of Saranac Lake, NY and recently won another National Championship title as he prepares for what will likely be his last Olympic games.

MNC/TOKO Hands-on Wax Clinic 11/18

On Nov 18th 3:30 PM – 7:00 PM MNC skier and long time TOKO rep Dave Boucher will join forces with MNC coaches to lead a wax clinic and answer your base prep questions.  We are tentatively scheduled to do this in the Walker Building at the range and are just awaiting approval from the National Guard. Please check the blog for updates.

Dave will do a brief demonstration on the basic techniques of base prep, glide waxing, and kick waxing at 3:45 and then again at 6:00.  We will have benches set up so you can bring a pair of skis to prepare them for early season skiing.  You must bring your own wax.  We will have some irons, scrapers and brushes but if you have your own it would help.  Be sure to put your name on anything you bring.  Some coaches will be available to help and answer questions too.

Support US Skiing!

I am writing to ask for your help in supporting the National Nordic Foundation.  Long under-funded, US nordic skiers are now being supported by a grassroots organization helping support athlete development at all levels.
Consider donating under the links below for Bill and Henry Harmeyer and there is a chance your donation could be more than quadrupled!!! Junior skiers across the country are trying to raise $15,000.  If they are able to raise the $15,000 an anonymous donor will give a matching $50,000!  This kind of support will go a long way and we only have a few weeks left.
Please take a minute to check out their donation pages and watch the movie they produced supporting the NNF on Bill’s page.
Nordic skiing has never been stronger in the US and organizations like the NNF are helping produce fantastic roll models for American youth and a healthy lifestyle.
Check it out:
And thank you very much!  Any amount counts toward the goal.  If you can make a donation via your business or pass it on to those you know.

NNF – The Harmeyer Brothers from Bill Harmeyer on Vimeo.



Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum – Oct 26, 2013

There will be an induction ceremony on Saturday 10/26/13.  Please visit the VSSM website for more information.

                                      vssm logo
October 24, 2013 Issue No. 1112-22

Hall of Fame Induction –

October 26 

Tickets still available for the Induction of Sverre Caldwell, Emo Henrich, Fred Pabst, Ross Powers and CB Vaughan Jr.

Click here for tickets.

Click here for event detail

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