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Photo Roundup from the past week

Whew! Our “recovery week” flew by…

Everyone seemed really tired – mentally and physically – by the end of last week (which was a “volume week” which means is was oriented around longer workouts at lower- to moderate-intensity). So it was great timing to have an easier week of training with shorter workouts and less tiresome workouts.

This morning we had approx 6 of our MNC athletes and several parents make the trek down to Waitsfield for a Central VT Co-op rollerski race. It was a really challenging course along East Warren Rd and finishing up a ~1,000m climb up. The scenery was beautiful and the views downt here are hard to beat.

Pizza and Awards at GMVS

Pizza and Awards at GMVS

smiling Elliott Ketchel (GMVS) followed by Ben Carnahan up a monster climb!

smiling Elliott Ketchel (GMVS) followed by Ben Carnahan up a monster climb!

Ethan John with early in the time trial

Ethan John with early in the time trial

Bill Harmeyer heads out of the gate with great form

Bill Harmeyer heads out of the gate with great form

Tim and Cally about to go through the "football agility course"

Tim and Cally about to go through the “football agility course” on Friday evening

Ethan and Will racing head to head through the agility course

Ethan and Will racing head to head through the agility course

working on the agility ladder

working on the agility ladder at the Round Church on Friday

sunset after our ski on Thursday at Mud Pond

sunset after our ski on Thursday at Mud Pond

a short double-pole interval in the Meadowridge development on Thursday

a short double-pole interval in the Meadowridge development on Thursday

nice striding from Bill. Great forward lean and serious ankle flexion

nice striding from Bill. Great forward lean and serious ankle flexion

practicing some silly, but challenging jumping exercises (power, coordination)

practicing some silly, but challenging jumping exercises (power, coordination)

Nathanael helping Will and Greg with their V1 technique. Nathanael has excellent skate technique

Nathanael helping Will and Greg with their V1 technique. Nathanael has excellent skate technique

Greg making his way up Greystone on Tuesday afternoon. Colors in the background

Greg making his way up Greystone on Tuesday afternoon. Colors in the background

Tatum Will and Charlie working on a GMAT math question that I gave them last Sunday

Tatum Will and Charlie working on a GMAT math question that I gave them last Sunday

Finishing up the rollerski last Sunday out near Milton

Finishing up the rollerski last Sunday out near Milton

double-pole drills in the Sunday sunshine last week

double-pole drills in the Sunday sunshine last week

Junior Training 10/7 – 10/20

Coming up: an INTENSITY WEEK:

  • Tuesday 10/8 = hard bounding intervals @ UVM Research Forest. 4-6pm.
  • Thursday 10/10 = Rollerski intervals @ Mud Pond, 4-6pm.
  • Sunday 10/13 = on your own Track or rollerski interval workout. Tim will give specifics.

Followed by a RECOVERY WEEK:

  • Tuesday 10/15 = Skate rollerski, 4-6pm.
  • Thursday 10/17 = Classic rollerski, 4-6pm.
  • Friday 10/18 = Run / agility / strength at MMU or EHS, 4:00-5:45.
  • Sunday 10/20 = Classic with specific strength at Mud Pond, 9:30-11:30am.

Bonus: Skate Rollerski time-trial Saturday in Waitsfield

The “Central VT Nordic Co-op” hosts another event open to all NENSA members this Saturday. This rollerski is a bonus training for all MNC members. It is a great opportunity to rollerski on some new roads, see the beutiful fall colors in the Mad River Valley, hang out with friends, and get a great workout!

Registration from 8:00-8:30am on the porch of the GMVS Library.  We will shuttle skiers to Bridge Street and then warm-up skiing to the height of land just north of the Round Barn.

Race Details: Start 9:15am. 10km for U18+. 5km for U16-. 11:30am Awards in the Dining Hall at GMVS.


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