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Weekly Plan

Weekly plan

Tuesday we will classic ski. Temps will be warm so bring no wax skis if you have them, otherwise we will klister.

Thursday will be a choice day, temps are again supposed to warm.

Masters Skiing

As we approach the end of the skis season club resources indicate that we need to cut back on coaching staff.  However, we will still be having regular T/TH ski sessions – just with more skiing and less technique coaching. With the exception of this Tuesday we will have a coach for the early Masters as we have done all season but the 6 pm slot will have 2 to 3 coaches on Tuesdays and one coach on Thursday.  This Tuesday 2/26 the Early Session Masters are welcome to join with the BK kids for a classic ski tour at Bolton Valley. 11 Am – 1 PM.

It’s now time to incorporate all the knowledge gained from the MNC coaches in your ski workouts.  Take this opportunity to ski a lot and focus on one or two things per session to improve your skiing.

Tuesday – Skate Skiing

Thursday – Your choice





Weekend Wax Recommendation

Saturday – Silver Fox Trot

BKL: Glide wax for temps in the high 20s, Swix CH8 or LF8 if you have it.

Masters/High School: CH or LF8 with some CH or LF10 mixed in

Sunday – Stowe Derby

Skate – Swix CH, LF, or HF 8

Classic – Temps will be a little warmer so glide wax with 8 mixed with some 10.  For kick wax, prep your skis with an ironed in green binder.  The kick will likely be warm hard wax (Toko Yellow, Swix Extra Violet, or a Swix VR60-70).

Toko wax tips for races this weekend are available here:




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