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MNC Public High School Policy Statement

MNC is a non-profit organization devoted to the mission of helping athletes of all ages and abilities improve their Nordic skiing and pursue skiing excellence at the local, national, and international levels. We also believe our success is directly tied to the success of the broader ski community in Vermont.   A large portion of that community are Public High School teams which play a vital role in building broad participation and lifelong interest in our sport.

To that end, we have established a set of policies to guide our Junior programs as it pertains to Public High School teams.   These policies allow us to passionately pursue our mission while also respecting the needs of Public High School coaches and their teams.

MNC Junior Program Policy:

  • MNC is not seeking, nor actively driving any changes to the existing VPA regulations and practices.
  • MNC programs are designed to adhere to current VPA regulations and practices.
  • MNC athletes participating on High School teams are expected to do so in a manner consistent with their individual coaches and VPA regulations.
  • Participation in MNC programs is fully voluntary and our enrollment is open to all, regardless of ability or school affiliation.
  • MNC has and will continue to actively support Public High School skiing efforts as permitted by VPA regulations.

Please refer all questions or concerns regarding these policies to Kort Longenbach at

Mansfield Nordic Club is proud to be part of the New England Nordic Ski Association (NENSA) and has achieved  Bronze Level certification by the US Ski and Snow Board Association.

Catamount Group Run & Ride 9/13

Join us Thurs 9/13 at 5:30PM for a run or ride at Catamount Outdoor Family Center.  We will also have samples of a new Mammut soft-shell jacket (Men’s, Women’s) that we will be offering in the fall at significant club discount.

So come join us Thursday, to run/ride with friends you have seen in a while, to support COFC and check out all the great trail improvements as COFC prepares for the transition to the Town of Williston Catamount Community Forrest.

Also, MNC has secured a reduced trail free of $5 for non-COFC members. Hope to see you there!

PS.. For those not familiar with the COFC trail system.  COFC offers a wide variety of double-track and single track trails.  So bring you mountain bike, gravel bike, trail shoes or road shoes.  There is a run/ride for all levels and abilities.

Overall Summer Trail Map


Masters Continue Uphill Assaults

The MNC Masters have continued to push the envelope, building their uphill rollerski skills in preparation for the aforementioned epic showdown with the Peru Nordic Masters at the Climb to the Castle rollerski race. There is no official counter, but Mic-Drop Millar and Mix Master Mike Gaughan have what we believe is the record for number of skis up Bolton in a single month.

Not to be outdone, Slick Rick Costanza and Steve Craftmaster Flex continue to hit the climb as well, this week joined by Trick Daddy Ric Schaaf.

If you want to check out what all of our Masters are up to this week, and join in yourself, be sure to check out the Masters Training page!

MNC Masters Hip-Hop album cover? (photo from Craftsmaster Flex’s Strava)


Masters Hip Hop: Southridge Mixtape

A beautiful day for some skate rollerskiing this past Sunday as the MNC Masters took to the streets of Southridge. Some specific strength, some skate intervals, and some technique work to get ready for the fall and winter seasons! Special shoutout to new member Scott who has recently moved to VT from the Rockies 🙂

The squad ready to roll!

Many may have heard of the MNC Masters Hip-Hop theme and our impending duel with the Metal-Thrashing masters over at Peru Nordic. Things are heating up and the MNC crew is looking stronger and faster with every passing week as we count down to the Climb to the Castle showdown on September 16th. Who will come out on top?? The gauntlet has been thrown down…


Volunteering at US Biathlon Trials this Sat. & Sun. 8/11-12

MNC Members of all ages…if you’re interested in participating in the US National Rollerski Biathlon events this coming weekend, see this email from John Madigan below on ways to volunteer. Thanks!

Hi Volunteers!

Thank you for agreeing to help with the 2018  North American and US National Rollerski Biathlon Championships on August 11th and 12th.  As always, without your generous help, it would not happen.  The races are fast and should be a lot of fun.  Saturday is the Sprint race and Sunday is the Pursuit and Mass Start for Sr Men and Women.  Here are some details for volunteers:
1.  Plan to arrive at 7:45 am the first morning when you will be assigned to either the Chief of Range or Chief of Timing for training in your volunteer job for the morning.  The athletes will zero their rifles at 8:00 am and the racing will start at 9:00 am.  Note that this is earlier than in the Winter.  Things should wrap up before noon.  Volunteers will meet outside the timing building at 8:00 AM for assignments.
2.  Make sure you bring clothing for all kinds of weather including rain.  Bug spray and a water bottle might be a good idea.
3.  There will be snacks and drinks in the Walker Building before and after the races.
4.  Once the races start it is hard to get away from your position, so try to take care of all your needs before the 9:00 am start.
5.  The outcome of these races depends a lot on how well we do our jobs as volunteers.  Details, details, details!  It is very important to be focused when on the range, in the penalty area, or at the finish.  Missing a number or recording something incorrectly takes quite a bit of effort and time to sort out so do your best to get accurate information.  You will get additional instruction on this from the Chiefs.  Having said that, we all sometimes miss things.  If you think you might have missed something, don’t guess, note it on the recording sheet and bring it to the attention of the Chief at the end of the race.
6.  If you have any questions before Saturday, you can contact me at this email address or at or call me at (802) 373 5777 (doesn’t work at my home in the evenings).  Looking forward to seeing everyone.  We can always use more volunteers so feel free to bring a friend.
John Madigan
Chief of Competition
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