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Skirack Rollerski Order

MNC Members,

Now is a great time to start thinking about your summer training. Specifically…how are you gonna ROLL this summer?! If you are in the

market for a new pair of rollerskis, check out our special pricing through Skirack for Summer 2018.


  1. Visit the form below, and input some details including your name and the model you’d like
  2. Submit the form, and stay tuned for the shipment of skis (expected 5/7/18)
  3. Pick up your skis, and submit payment, at Skirack in Burlington


Rollerski Order 2018 (Due 4/22!)

See below for models and prices

Swenor Skate (Aluminum)

MNC/Skirack Price: $207

This is the suggested model for MNC Juniors and rising BKL skiers. The aluminum frame is not only lightweight but also durable and resistant to breakage. Although some road vibration is normal with this model, the benefits (weight, longevity, ease of handling) generally outweigh the negatives of some road vibration.

Swenor Skate Elite (Composite shaft)

MNC/Skirack Price: $277

This is the model to look for if you are concerned about road vibration and are looking for a plush ride. The shaft has a bit of flex like a real ski, although the heavier weight of this rollerski means it is a bit less maneuverable and poor choice for smaller and/or younger skiers. The composite shaft is also prone to breaking if skied aggressively or not maintained/cleaned regularly after skiing in rain or mud..

Tristar Classic (Limited inventory)

MNC/Skirack Price: $199

This model is ideal for smaller and younger rollerskiers (115lb or less) looking to get into classic rollerskiing. This model is super light and easy to handle which is crucial for a first-ever pair of classic rollerskis.

Image result for swenor tristar classic

Fibreglass Cap Classic (Composite shaft)

MNC/Skirack Price: $277

The choice for Juniors and experienced rollerskiers. Slightly heavier than your average classic rollerski, but with large wheels and a smooth-rolling composite body. Please order this model with a #2/#3 wheel speed mix if you are an MNC Junior.

Image result for swenor fibreglass classic




Club Champ Relays

Fantastic weather, an Olympic-caliber morning event, and a positive and supportive atmosphere led to a great day at the New England Club Championship Relay. Skiers started out with two classic legs, followed by two freestyle legs. Having teams of all ages, men and women, and Masters and BKL skiers all in the same race was a great scene…teams changed position as different skiers took their turn, which kept the excitement high the whole way.

Recently-finished Supertour races featuring the likes of Jessie Diggins, Kikkan Randall, and Simi Hamilton meant that the crowds were larger than your average Club race…so things were more World Cup Status than normal!

Thanks to some great supporters of the event: Toko, SunCommon, Skirack, and the great folks at Craftsbury!

Results can be found on the Bullitt Timing website

Link to photos from Jim Fredericks & Ellie Bouffard

Below are some photos ..

Many Junior athletes took on the first leg

The “Lassies of Dublin” taking the women’s title!

Ford Sayre had a big presence, including the intimidatingly-named “Ford Slayer” team

The MNC Juniors took on volunteer roles so the “Proud Pug Parents” (aka coaches) could race!

MNC Masters team Fast Trax!!

MNC’s very own Sisters with Blisters!



NE Club Relays Wax Recommendation

It’s looking like a great weekend for ski racing up in Craftsbury! For this year’s New England Club Relay Championships, here is a brief wax recommendation for both skate and classic skiers.

Glide: Whether you are skiing a classic or skate leg, prep your glide zones by beginning with a layer of Blue or Green glidewax. Scrape and brush this layer, and then apply Toko HF Red, Swix HF8, or another mid-warm range HF or LF of your choice. Scrape and brush before the race on Sunday!

Kick: Depending on how much the snowpack thaws and re-freezes between now (Thurs) and Sunday we could be racing on klister. It’s best to prep kick zones by ensuring they are totally clean and non-sticky. Then, wrap some 100 grit sandpaper around a cork or other flat surface and lightly abrade the kicking area.

Plan to arrive with your array of kickwax and klister, and the MNC wax boxes and coaches will be on-hand to supplement and provide support!


MNC Skiathlon!

 Wow! We had over 180 racers ski in the MNC Skiathlon this past weekend! Many of the usual Masters New England racers were joined by college racers from Williams, Middlebury and St. Lawrence University, junior skiers from MNC, Stratton Mt. and GMVS, and even Reese Hanneman, 2016 US National Champion and Olympian just back from PyeongChang! In the BKL event we had over 100 racers from MNC, Craftsbury, Frost Mt., Ford Sayer, Stratton Mt., Onion River and a few others. Quite a turn-out!

Mother Nature blessed us with a bit of new snow earlier in the week and temps hovered around freezing on Sunday, making for great conditions out on the course. The groomers at Craftsbury did an awesome job grooming and helping Rick Costanza set up the course and transition zone.

Peter Kling heads out at the start to the classic leg.

In the men’s race, GMVS coach Peter Kling finished first by a secure 11 seconds over Middlebury College skier Lewis Nottonson. Olympian Reese Hanneman was third.

Hallie Grossman leads out the women’s field.

The women’s race was won by Craftsbury Green Team Biathlete Hallie Grossman, followed by Ford Sayer’s Elissa Bradley and St. Lawrence University skier Lucy Hochschartner. MNC had a number of Masters’ age group podium winners. Jim Fredericks, Joanne Hanowski, and Coach Jen Carlson all won their age classes, while Coach Tom Thurston and Kort Logenbach took seconds and Jim Addison and Andy Bishop were awarded thirds. Great job MNC Masters!

MNC Junior Kai Richter double poles up most of the start hill.

We had a number of MNC juniors who did the race, using it as a tune-up for Easterns and or Biathlon Nationals. Rose Clayton and Lily Porth were third and fifth in the U-18 class, while Marika Massey-Bierman was second in the U-20 class. Baxter Bishop and Kai Richter were second and third in the U-18 race with Dakota Amblo, Brook Hodgeman, Sammy Leo and Charles Martell rounding out the field.

The afternoon BKL Races began with the Lollipop race. A few lollipoppers also skied in the Grade 1/2 race which was 1km of classic only. Anna Brilhart was MNC’s only 1/2 racer and she did a great job today.

Anna Brillhart

3/4 girls

Many of our MNC 1/2’s raced up in the 3/4 race! This is double their normal race distance, so hat’s off go to Riley, Hayden, Astrid, Hazel and Sylvie who all gave themselves quite a challenge by racing with the older kids! The 3/4 girl’s race was won by MNC’s Pippa Diller, followed closely by Kate Carlson who was second. Riley Morigeau had an unfortunate fall just before the finish line. She quickly picked herself up and got to the finish line just a hair before Tessa Diller and they finished fourth and fifth, but it really looked like a tie. In addition to Hayden, Cole Shullenberger also skied the boys 3/4 race. He finished third. Great job to all our 3/4 skiers!


Start of the 5/6 girls race.

MNC skiers Adleigh Frankie, Mia Diller, Finley Barker, Julia Thurston and Virginia Cobb all skied the girls’ 5/6 race and did a great job in the transition zone and out on course. Virginia and Ford Sayer’s Sara Gluek have been trading wins back and forth all season and this race was no exception. Sara came into the transition zone first after the classic leg, but Virginia had a quicker transition and headed out in first on the skate leg first. Sara caught her on Dino hill and held on to the lead for the win, while Virginia finished in second. Julia Thurston also had a good race and finished fifth.

Start of the 5/6 boys race. Niko’s skis stuck and he went down. He still managed a fourth place!

Brady Morigeau, Niko Cuneo, Taylor Carlson, Carl Priganc and Callum MacCurtain all skied the boys 5/6 race. The 5/6 Craftsbury boys dominated this race, but the MNC boys put in some respectable results finishing 4th (Niko), 6th (Taylor), 7th (Brady), 9th (Carl) and 13th (Callum).

Girls 7/8 start. Pony tails flying!

We had lots of girls in the 7/8 race: Ava Thurston, Esther Cuneo, Greta Kilburn, Carly Trapeni, Hattie Barker, Maise Frankie and Rachel Porth. They all did a great job racing today amidst a fast field of girls.  Today was a great day for Esther Cuneo. She dominated the classic leg, had a good transition and went on in the skate leg to win the race. Ava Thurston finished second. Greta Kilburn also had an amazing race and finished fourth. Jordon Shullenberger and Rye MacCurtain were our only MNC boys in the large field of 7/8 skiers. Great job skiing boys!

Lastly, thanks so much to Christine Massey-Bierman, Rick Costanza, Max Cobb and all our other volunteers & coaches. We can’t have a race without the help of so many, so thank you all for all your hard work!

For full results:  Race Results

For more photos: Dave Priganc’s Album

For more photos: MNC Flikr


Range Update – Still Open!

Don’t give up yet, with a little help below and some snow later this week, it looks like we will still have range skiing for the foreseeable future.  See the latest communication from the Guard…..

The ski trails will remain open for scheduled training for the time being….there are a few spots on the 2.5K loop …  We are going to make a little more snow this week which should get us through the end of March….

As allows, continue to check the Snow Report and training Blogs for the most recent updates,




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