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MNC awarded Bronze Level Status by US Ski and Snowboard Podium Certification Program!

MNC has received recognition as a Bronze Level program by the U.S. Ski and Snowboard’s Podium Club Certification Program. MNC is the ONLY Nordic-specific club in New England to achieve this status. Along with Loppet Nordic Racing in Minnesota, Mansfield Nordic is one of only TWO Nordic-specific clubs in the country to be awarded status from the U.S. Ski and Snowboard certification system.

Below follows a press release from U.S. Ski and Snowboard:

The Mansfield Nordic Club has recently been awarded Podium Certification at the Bronze level by U.S. Ski and Snowboard. U.S. Ski & Snowboard’s Podium Club Certification Program requires a rigorous, mission driven self-assessment and review of best principles and practices in eight areas of organizational performance. The Mansfield Nordic Club has demonstrated appropriate levels of performance in all areas and is recognized as an important partner of U.S. Ski and Snowboard and a leader among ski and snowboard clubs in the nation.

Ellen Adams, USSA Club Development Manager
The Certification process not only recognizes club excellence, but also gives a clear roadmap for all clubs to become stronger organizations. This is a strategic part of U.S. Ski and Snowboard’s plans to support clubs, be a more club-based organization and better understand the challenges and opportunities that exist for clubs in every corner of the country. The process to achieve Podium Level Certification requires a commitment to excellence on behalf of a club and its constituents, and clubs have reported finding great value in doing the work necessary to complete the certification. Many clubs have found that the most positive impact was not necessarily the certification designation, but, rather, in uncovering the true opportunities they have to improve and continue to deliver sustained excellence. These clubs all set great examples, and are leading the charge for club improvement nationally.
Luke Bodensteiner, USSA Executive Vice President of Athletics
Working in closer partnership with our member clubs to recognize excellence and create a platform for continued improvement is the new frontier for our organization. Our clubs are our sport’s biggest asset to athlete recruitment and development, and working hand-in-hand with them will enhance their levels of achievement and will transform the performance of our athletes and teams at all levels.
Jon Casson, USSA Sport Education Director
The USSA Club Certification program is a valuable resource for all our clubs.  Our clubs all are working hard to be the best they can be and give all of their athletes a great experience in skiing and snowboarding.  The Certification programs give our clubs the resources they need to assess and improve their structure and programs to meet their organizational goals and the goals of the thousands of U.S. Ski and Snowboard athletes across the US.
MNC end of season party

Adam Terko named 2017 NENSA Coach of the Year!

We are pleased to inform you that Adam Terko has been named the 2017 NENSA Coach of the Year.  Adam joined MNC in 2015 as our Head Coach/Executive director and from the first day has embraced and embodied the core values of our club;  Excellence, Passion and Fun.

Through his tremendous level of dedication,  passion and playfulness  he has made significant contributions to our athletes, our club as well as the local and regional ski community.

We as a club are extremely thankful to have Adam, and are proud that NENSA has chosen to honor him.  Congratulations Adam for this outstanding achievement!

Summer Kick-off!

Special note: the MNC Annual Fund rolls on! Check it out HERE

Thanks to the Henry/Solow family this past weekend, MNC kicked off summer with a longstanding tradition: our hike, bike, and potluck. Two group met on Saturday morning, either hiking up Camel’s Hump or riding their bikes up to the top of App Gap from Hinesburg.

Here’s the hiking group getting ready to set off…

…and here are some speedy bikers

Of course, we had to get to the top of our respective climbs to earn the food back at the house…here are some photos from the endurance activities in action.

Gavin scoping out the trail as the fog burns off on a sunny day

The top of the Gap, with clear skies and sun

Some of the Juniors taking stock of the trails and roads they’ll be training on this summer

Thanks to immaculate timing, both the biking group and hiking group ended up returning to Hinesburg at about the same time. We met up with some club members who stopped in for just the potluck, so our numbers grew even more. Many were thankful for a dip in the pond, and everyone got to take in some great food and company. It’s looking like a great summer ahead!

Marathon Day!

The Vermont City Marathon is a huge event that is definitely a sign of summer’s arrival. It’s also a who’s-who of local athletes and active folk, who turn out in droves to race, cheer, volunteer, or just mingle.

Naturally, there were quite a few MNC members and friends of the club at this year’s event. We’re no doubt going to miss a few names, but here is just a sampling of the faces in the crowd affiliated with Mansfield Nordic! If you were at the event and would like to be added to the blog please let me know, and if you have any photos of the event we can add to this post please let me know: adamRterko@gmail. Thanks!

  • MNC Masters Ken Bruce and Ellie Bouffard did the half marathon, as did junior skier Eliza Thomas!

    Eliza (L) cranked out an impressive 1:38 half marathon!

  • The team of Eli Grossman, Tim Cobb, Sammie Nolan, Will Solow, and Ben Carnahan (racing as Mansfield Nordic Club) took home first place in the Mixed Junior Relay, while Camille Bolduc and Ava Thurston helped their team finish 2nd in the Junior Girls Relay.

    Will Solow charging up Battery Street in a definite “skier” outfit: no shirt, heart rate monitor, and trail shoes 😉

  •  Junior coach Sara teamed up with her Skirack coworkers to compete in the relay as well, and BKL coach/MNC parent Tom Thurston ran the whole thing and was 4th in his age group!
  • Julia Thurston, Kate Carlson, and Taylor Carlson teamed up with some adults to run a great relay…pretty cool to see young athletes getting in on the big event!

Julia, Kate, and Taylor! Thanks for the photo Jenn

Congrats to everyone who ran, and we hope you are enjoying at least a day or two of recovery, stretching, and icing sore muscles 🙂

Official Results/Recaps

Team Mansfield Nordic Club (minus Will, who must’ve been running when this was taken!). Thanks for the photos Molly!


Masters Time to Hit the Trails!

Thursday Masters running  is off to a great start,  so come out and join the group!   With things getting warmer and drying out (??) we plan to start hitting the local trail networks and plan some fun after run events.

May 18:  Catamount Outdoor Center (meet at 6PM)

Meeting Location: Catamount Outdoor Center(fee required).
Running Route:  Find a group, find a partner, pick a distance.  Wether you like the single track trails or want a scenic route o the gravel trails there are options for everyone. This also is a great chance to check out the trails before before the Catamount Tues Trail Running series kicks off 5/23.

May 25:  Richmond Round Church (meet at 6PM) [Tentative]

Meeting Location: Richmond Round Church
Running Route:  Two options available.  For those wanting a flatter route, a group will be head out on the River Trail.  A second group will run the hillier Preston Forest trails.  After the run, the group is planning to meet at the Stone Corral for after beverages and food.

As always watch our Masters Training Doc, for updates.

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