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Masters Summer Training Kick-off

This summer the club is developing a series of informal activities and events for Masters for continued training and exercise.  While plans  are still being finalized, one thing we are targeting is regular once a week get together at local trail systems.  For example,  Catamount Outdoor Center , Round Church Trails (aka. Preston Forest),…

Presently our core group is mostly runners,  but these locations also offer great mountain biking or launch points for road rides.  So if someone is interested in leading an MNC Cycling (road or mountain) group please email .

Meet up time on Thursdays will be 6PM and informal groups will pair up based upon level of ability and desired workout.

Thursday Group Schedule

May 1:  Gov. Chittenden Rd Run (meet ay 6PM)

Parking Location: Williston Bike Path (across form Federated Church)
Running Route:  Gov. Chittenden Rd (dirt road, easy run for hill intervals)

Masters Waxing Party!

Please join the MNC Masters for an end of the season summer wax prep party on Saturday April 29, 2017.  Hosted by Jen and Bill Supple at  103 Westall Drive, Richmond.  Please RSVP at to help get a sense of who will be attending. Thanks!

There will be irons, benches, and electricity available but please feel free to bring your own bench and iron, scrapers, brushes and other tools you like to use, if you have them and can share. Please supply your own summer wax (yellow non-fluoro) or other of your choosing.

We will also be brainstorming summer activities and events for masters continued training and exercise. The coaches want to know what we are interested in pursuing! Let’s take advantage of their enthusiasm to keep us in shape over the summer!

There will be snacks and drinks for the afternoon session followed by light dinner at Stone Corral when everyone is ready at, or before, 6 pm!

Hope you can make it!  We will assume great spring, sunny, driveway-gathering weather, but will take it into the garage if need be…

Image result for waxing skis 1950s

Bolton Sunset Summit

On Thursday afternoon some MNC Masters, Juniors, and guests brought skis to climb Bolton to catch a beautiful sunset from the top of the appropriately-named Vista quad before a nice fast descent. Plenty of late-season snow and warm temps made for a fun spring outing!

Thanks for an amazing season!

This Saturday, MNC held our annual end-of-season party to celebrate a great 2016/2017. No manmade snow was required to make for a great day of skiing, as another late-season storm brought a few fresh inches of snow to an already-snowy Vermont! It served as a good metaphor, to say the least: no matter how great our seasons are, Mansfield Nordic can always look for more!

Thank you so much to EVERYONE involved with MNC at any level: skiers, parents, volunteers, coaches, board members, the Range groomers, the National Guard, our great sponsors (Toko, Bobo’s, Skirack, Rossignol, Rudy Project, Dee PT) and all of the great skiers and community members that make our sport such a joy!

At our event, we also said a very special thanks to Sharon Henry and Gary Solow, who have contributed unimaginable amounts of their own time and energy to help organize events, capture photos, rally volunteers, and handle all manner of gatherings. Many, many thanks Sharon and Gary!

Karen gave a very nice speech recognizing all that Sharon and Gary have done for MNC!


Club Relay Championships (and Spring Fling!)

This was a busy late-season weekend that featured the inaugural New England Club Relay Championships, hosted by our club! With ample snow, amazing trails, and great support, the Relays were a ton of fun and brought out a LOT of competitors. In a great display of the depth and health of the Vermont ski scene, some competitors had recently returned from All-American performances at NCAA Championships, while some were jumping into their first ski race ever!

Racers from elementary school to Masters age churned up the trails on teams with names that ranged from intimidating (“Jacked-Up Jim and the Wrecking Crew”) to self-deprecating (“MANSA: Moderately Athletic Nordic Ski Association”). Everyone put the hammer down on classic or skate legs and champions were crowned!

The club and racers can’t thank Craftsbury enough for helping make this event happen. From grooming to race setup to volunteers on course and off, there it nothing that the Craftsbury Outdoor Center doesn’t excel at. Many thanks also go out to Jim Fredericks who first brought up the idea of this event and made it a reality.

Sunday was the annual Spring Fling event, a race which many MNC members also contested. With beautiful weather and a tasty BBQ it really capped off the weekend on a great note! You can find results from both Saturday and Sunday’s events below.

Here are a few photos from Gary Solow, with the entire album linked at the bottom. Enjoy!

Action at the start: 3 Juniors who really don’t like to use kickwax. All three here just double-poled the classic course…Will and Brandon on skate skis, Glueck on “shiny” skis or “blank” skis, which are classic skis wax entirely for glide like a skate ski

Classic specialists Karen and Ellie!

Monica and Renate rocking some matching team colors

BKL, Juniors, and Masters…all in the same race!

Ali tagging off to Aidan, who was soon being chased out on course by Adam 😉

Steve and Steve, part of the Wrecking Crew

MANSA represent!

Find more photos from Gary Solow HERE

Relay results by category Club Totals | BKL |<200 Men  | <200 Mixed BKL | >199 Men | >199 Mixed | >199 Women

Spring Fling results

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