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Craftsbury Marathon wax tips

The Craftsbury Marathon is coming right up! Conditions are looking great with plenty of snow, some more snow expected, and a great course.

For the official Toko wax tip, see Dave Boucher’s notes HERE.

Here are a few other suggestions:

  • For glide, a mid-range wax should cover bases well. Swix CH/LF/HF7 is a safe bet, and even a little CH/LF/HF8 on the tails of the skis could help glide late in the race.
  • For grip wax, it is looking like a violet/red range kick wax is ideal. Looking at the forecast, some waxes I’d test (in addition to Dave’s Toko notes) are listed below in order of colder->warmer

-Rode National Team -1/-7

-Rode Super Blue

-Swix VR45

-Rode T-Line VPS

-Rode Violet

-Rode Multigrade

-Guru Red

-Rode T-Line VXPS or Viola Extra

Great cover waxes would be Swix VR40, Rode T-Line VO, or Guru Blue

  • A binder is key, so don’t forget to iron in a green basewax like Toko Base or Swix VG35!
  • Structure could come into play if it doesn’t snow too much and the tracks get skied-in. Adam’s suggestion is a fine linear structure like the Toko Blue Structurite tool.
  • The MNC tent will be on-site, and Coach Rick and Coach Liam will be set-up in the indoor wax room as well (look for the MNC banner!)

Have a great race everyone!CBM

Duathlon 2017!

Thanks to everyone who came out to the MNC Duathlon this past Sunday! This event has become a huge part of the NENSA calendar and we were excited to welcome skiers of all ages and from all over the area. 131 competitors took to the snow on a warm spring-like day to contest a joint classic/freestyle race. Here are some photos and results, with a full photo album from Dave Priganc linked at the bottom.

Results:   BKL by Grade: All 1-2 | Boys 3-4 | Boys 5-6 | Boys 7-8 | Girls 3-4 | Girls 5-6 | Girls 7-8  | Men’s | Women’sPhotos

Thanks to all the organizers, the timers, the volunteers, and the Craftsbury Outdoor Center!





MNC Duathlon from Jim Fredericks on Vimeo.

Results:   BKL by Grade: All 1-2 | Boys 3-4 | Boys 5-6 | Boys 7-8 | Girls 3-4 | Girls 5-6 | Girls 7-8  | Men’s | Women’sPhotos

Masters, Juniors, and BKL at Race to the Cabin

It was great to see so many MNC members out in force at the Trapps Race to the Cabin on Saturday! Blue skies and blue wax made for a memorable day. While results are forthcoming, it’s safe to say that our club was the biggest single group out there, and many of our racers skied strong and fast. What’s more, we had several members tackle their first races ever! This is a good sign of the season to come as MNC seeks to take on the hunt for the Zak and Club Cup trophy!

Race to the Cabin...lots of MNC participation from ALL ages!

Race to the Cabin…lots of MNC participation from ALL ages!

Race to the Cabin start video via Facebook

This week, conditions should be great at the Range on Tuesday. The weather may turn a bit foul, so stay tuned for updates on the Masters Google Doc and Range Snow Report pages!

On Monday, Masters have a great opportunity to compete again with the Geschmossel Classic! This event is a distance classic race on the beautiful rolling trails of Bretton Woods, NH. Be sure to check it out and consider taking part!

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