Winter is here, and ski races will be popping up on calendars left and right sooner rather than later. With points at stake for the Zak Cup and Club Cup, we’re looking to bring MNC into the top of the rankings!

Masters racing in action…fast and fun!
There are several ways to get involved and keep up with plans for MNC Masters racing. To learn more about how the Club and Zak Cups work, please see this article. For more straight from NENSA, see this article.
The MNC Masters Google Doc contains a bottom tab that shows a list of Masters races in New England. Events highlighted in green are “target events” where we’d love to have a big club presence! The MNC Masters team also has a new tent, which means we’ll be easy to find for wax support, a pre-race chat, or a post-race recap.
It’s time to enjoy the snow and get out to some races!
Race to the Cabin at Trapps 1/7/17
The first race that we are highly encouraging all masters to do is the Race to the Cabin at Trapps. It is super low-key. Anyone who can make it up to the cabin should do this race. Last year, they charged $5 to enter which got you a trail pass for the day… and they took your clothes up to top. It’s such a fun, low publicized event perfect for all ages.
To get your name on the Masters Racing email list, please contact Karen at We will be sharing race info including weather updates, carpooling requests, who is planning on attending, where we could meet as a group before and after races, along with waxing help.